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Cornflower book group

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Dark Puss

If I can get it I'll read it. I have no idea if it meets with my approval since I haven't read it previously, I won't read any reviews of it and anyway I either commit myself to reading all the choices or I find another activity. I never intend to pick and choose a particular book as the motivation is to be challenged!

Lisa W

I have a copy of this book, so I will read along with you. Perhaps I will even raise my hand and comment this time!


I'll read it if the library has a copy - I should think it will. I may buy it as it looks beautiful and it's one I've wondered about reading in the past.


Ooh, hurrah. I don't usually have time to read something specifically for your group though I usually check-in to see whether what you've read looks good, but I have just read this so for once I should be able to join in!


I bought this book last year and never got around to reading it. Now is the time!

Rebecca Chapman

I'd love to join the group in reading this book.

tea and cake

I shall try and get it from the library, too. I don't really have the time to read at the moment, as I'm studying, but as this is short, I'm sure it won't take too long. Looking forward to it, thanks.

Margaret Powling

This was also made into a very good film a number of years ago ...

Simon S

I am going to get this when am next at a book shop as sadly Amazon and royal mail have lost (ironically with the title) The Lost Estate not once not twice but three times, its all the snows fault of course (Royal Mail are so so so bad here). Will try and get another copy by hand this week in time for next weekend!


It sounds wonderful .... I'm off to find it now!

Mrs. Pom

I read this over the summer and enjoyed it very much. Perfect reading for early spring with its recollections of sleepy, quiet summer afternoons.


I've reserved a copy from local library too!

Barbara MacLeod

Sounds lovely! And thanks for the early notification!


Hooray. I have this one on the shelves AND a copy of the DVD with Colin Firth and Kenneth Branagh. I have read and watched but look forward to re-visiting this. I can echo Margaret's comment - the film is good.

We read this for our reader's group last year and I loved it. I also have the dvd which is also worth watching.

adele geras

I have this one and loved it the first time and will read again. And have I missed the Fournier? I feel I must have. Can't find a discussion of it though, so maybe not!

Jackie (Farm Lane Books)

I've just ordered a copy. I'm trying to read all books which have been short listed for the Booker prize, so this is a great choice to help me with my task!


No you haven't missed it, Adele! It's coming up on Saturday (14th) !


This sounds really good. I just ordered a used copy from an Amazon seller.


I would love to join in for this book!It brings back fond memories of 1984.That was the year I studied A Month in the Country for my HSC English Literature.HSC was the Higher School Certificate(Final year of secondary school in Melbourne,Australia at that time.I will dig through the boxes of books in my shed and see if I can find it.It should still have all the notes pencilled in!


I just finished this and loved it! Now I must read something else by JL Carr--I would love to order directly from his own printing press but not sure if it is possible in the US. I did manage to order a used copy of The Harpole Report, though. Looking forward to hearing everyone else's comments.


So glad to hear you liked it, Erika!

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