Every month when I announce the next Book Group read I specifically mention The Book Depository as a source for the book because they offer free worldwide delivery. I know that while a title may be available in any shop or library here in the UK, our international readership might not find it as easily, and while you may prefer not to buy the book at all, borrowing it where possible instead, if you do want your own copy then TBD is a good place to get hold of it.
As of last week The Book Depository have an affiliates scheme, and as you may have read over on Dovegreyreader Scribbles, if you go to the site through a link such as the one above, the person providing that link benefits from a purchase to the tune of about tuppence ha'penny per book - not enough to keep me in the style to which I wish to become accustomed, but it's for the love of it that I blether away here!
Being a canny Scot, I always compare prices and try to find the best deal before I buy a book, and I wouldn't dream of trying to influence where anyone else gets their reading matter from, so the links to TBD and to Amazon are there should you wish to use them, and if you don't, then that's fine too.