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Dark Puss

Dark Puss is certainly a "keen cook" but he has only one copy of any cookery book. I don't think I have a duplicate copy of any book (or have had), if I get a nicer copy of something I'll surely give away the one it replaces (space constraints would not permit anything else really).

Special copies, well there are a few. Sisters Under the Skin, by Norman Parkinson, has a particularly treasured inscription in it, my earliest printed book (16th C), a battered copy of Birks' famous work The Theory and Practice of Scintillation Counting given to me by a generous colleague who got it from the closing-down sale of the wonderful Lewis's Library and Bookshop in Gower St. Probably others, but being so unsentimental rather few I expect!


Oh yes. I often have multiple editions of favorite books. The one that immediately comes to mind is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I have quite a few editions of this book because it is my all-time favorite book. My most prized edition is a First Edition that my husband found for me on Ebay as an anniversary gift one year.


What a wonderful present, Lisa!

adele geras

I bought a special cheap edition of Dombey and Son to read while on holiday in Venice. We travelled by train and Dombey saw me through the whole week...and what a book it is! Amazing. I didn't want to subject the real copy of Dombey which sits on our shelf to the hazards of being shoved into handbags and laid on train-type reading tables etc. I left the copy behind in Paris hotel in the hope that some happy reader will find it and enjoy it as much as I did. Otherwise, I don't think I've got even one cookery books are some of them falling to pieces.

Mrs. Pom

I do not have multiple copies of books except for when my poor brain doesn't remember that I read it or bought it already, or some old favorites that I cannot find and had to replace. I do have certain books that I will never give away, especially novels read in college that are annotated with my notes. And my original copy of The Golden Notebook.

B R Wombat

Oh yes, we booklovers do tend to be attached to the actual, physical book. When I was very young, A Tale of Two Cities was the Sunday serial on BBC tv and I fell in love with Sydney Carton who was wonderfully played by John Wood. I then haunted secondhand bookshops and bought quite a few copies of Two Cities, if I found ones that especially appealed to me.

Since then, I've bought a few paperback copies of I Capture the Castle as it's my favourite book of all time and I like some of the covers it comes in. And hate others, it has to be said - particularly the film tie-in.

And now I find myself looking up covers on LibraryThing to find old friends that I've foolishly given away and want to see again.

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