Little need be said about this by way of introduction, but A.S. Byatt's The Children's Book, resplendent in its quite beautiful dust jacket, arrived this morning.
I did as I always do and turned first to the acknowledgements, often a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes into the writer's working life, but here a fairly good guide to the areas of research the author has used as her raw material. So, for example, specific objects within the V&A's incredible collections are singled out, and among those to be thanked is a potter, an expert on puppetry and a writer on trench warfare on the Western Front.
The book's Edwardian scope appears to be all-encompassing, and given its writer's skill, this is surely one to be savoured.
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Just finished this beauty and I was so sad to do so. Then I started The Little Stranger. And now I am bereft because I finished that!
I am about to read Thornyhold and then The Solitude of Thomas Cave, so I think I'll survive our long holiday weekend.
Thank you so much for your wonderful book blog. I have gotten so many books on your recommendations!
Posted by: Mrs. Pom | 24 May 2009 at 12:45 AM
I,too, have just finished the AS Byatt. It is fantastic and I'm quite sure you'll enjoy it. There are those who complain that there is too much extra information about such things as the Fabians, the WSPU etc and the ins and outs and details of things but I found it completely engrossing and compelling and fascinating. Sure you'll have a terrific time reading it, Cornflower.
Posted by: adele geras | 24 May 2009 at 11:50 AM
Thank you for reminding me that I wanted to read this one! Just ordered it from the Book Depository to take with me on vacation.
Posted by: ted | 24 May 2009 at 02:59 PM
I may have to consider checking out acknowledgments first instead of as an afterthought. I love books with lots of informative extra tidbits so this sounds wonderful. And it has one of my all time favorite pieces of Art Nouveau jewelry on the cover — what's not to like?
Posted by: LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD | 09 June 2009 at 10:51 PM