Iain Pears' Stone's Fall was such a great read (here's my effusive post) that I wanted more of the same a.s.a.p. So here is his An Instance of the Fingerpost, set in seventeenth century Oxford, "a deep, scholarly thriller" which combines "erudition with mystery". There's more on it here
, and it sounds like cracking stuff! Have you read it?
I have indeed read it and it is a wonderful book. Hope you enjoy it!
Posted by: Harriet | 11 August 2009 at 09:25 AM
LOVED Stone's Fall, but I confess I found Instance of the Fingerpost a bit rough going. Not unworthy, just not as much a ripping good read as the later book.
Posted by: Karen | 12 August 2009 at 02:04 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed about 5 years ago - Stone's Fall is also on my v long list of books to be read.
Posted by: jilly | 12 August 2009 at 07:19 AM
I read it an age ago and remember loving it - one of those that stay in the mind long after the end, rather like an excellent dinner.
Posted by: serenknitity | 12 August 2009 at 07:47 AM
I read it and though I loved the premise and the first third of the book the fact you are told the same story three times is a little bit hardwork. I sadly didnt finish it and was expecting a lot but you may love it and that may make me try it again lol
Posted by: Simon S | 12 August 2009 at 07:50 AM