Scanning the press articles on 'holiday reading', it seems those canvassed fall into roughly four categories:
1. People who read something 'improving': the weighty tome - and it is usually long and heavy - perhaps a classic such as War and Peace, or a scholarly biography or a history of some sort. These readers see their time off as a chance to concentrate on a book, something which their everyday busy life denies them.
2. Those who read something 'undemanding': the light, the familiar, the book which absorbs the reader without draining them of mental energy. Reading this is easy pleasure - it doesn't have to be worked at and can bear interruptions.
3. Those who make a point of reading something connected to the place they are visiting: a book set in that location or written by someone from there. Local colour - and the chance to compare the fictional with the real, perhaps.
4. Those who read whatever they'd have been reading had they been at home, because the reading life is the reading life, no matter where you are.
As a by-product of any of the above is the category of people whose chosen holiday reading turns out to be so atrocious that they are compelled to sit down and write a book of their own, to eventual great acclaim.
So, do you change your reading habits when you go on holiday? Do you fall neatly into one of the above categories? I am pretty much a 4 by inclination, but I may yet do something radical and join another group - the question is, which?!!