There's a space just now in the 'Current reading' list over there on the left as while I'm still enjoying Monty Don who is perfect for a slow page or two before sleep, I have no novel on the go because I've been waiting for this one to turn up (to meet a review deadline) and due to the postal strikes it still hasn't arrived. I can't pick up anything else meanwhile - if you see what I mean.
But looking ahead a bit, it will soon be time to choose something for the Book Group to read over the end of the year to talk about in January. Our November and December books are here, but what shall we do next? I have a master list of suggested titles and things I've seen here and there which look as though they'd suit, so there's plenty to choose from, but I was thinking we might do something like a Wilkie Collins or a Dorothy L. Sayers (we haven't had detective fiction for a while) or maybe Raymond Chandler. What do you think?
Later: and on a different topic, have you read Amanda Craig's post on literary festivals from the author's point of view? Quite an eye-opener!
I haven't read any good detective fiction in a while, could be a nice change of pace.
Posted by: Jennifer | 06 November 2009 at 01:56 AM
Raymond Chandler from your list, may I suggest Farewell my Lovely?
Posted by: Dark Puss | 06 November 2009 at 09:19 AM
Thank you for the link to Amanda Craig's weblog post on Literary Festivals. Sound and sensible comments (I've read some similar to these in other places at other times). I do hope that we will see fewer and better festvals - who knows I might even go to one!
Posted by: Dark Puss | 06 November 2009 at 09:25 AM
Eye-opening indeed! So it's not all wine and dine with limo service. Can't even imagine how deflating it would be for an author to be invited to a festival, then be 'dismissed' because ticket sales weren't what they were expecting.
Posted by: Darlene | 06 November 2009 at 01:14 PM
I've never read any Raymond Chandler and don't expect to unless it is for something like this so that might be interesting.
Posted by: Mary McCartney | 06 November 2009 at 01:52 PM
Sorry to hear your postal strike is still going on! I hate that feeling of being in a holding pattern and not wanting to start anything new while you're waiting for a particular book. I'll be curious to see which book you pick next--I love Wilkie Collins and would love to read more Dorothy Sayers and Raymond Chandler. I'll let it be a surprise! :)
Posted by: Danielle | 06 November 2009 at 02:33 PM
It's a long while since I read Wilkie Collins, and wouldn't mind a second go at them.
Posted by: Lisa W | 07 November 2009 at 12:28 AM
I would love to read a Wilkie Collins! Perfect weather for it here.
Posted by: Erika | 07 November 2009 at 04:13 AM
The next long-awaited English translation of Tove Jansson's adult fiction The True Deceiver has just been published (see ). Given how positive the reaction of many of the Cornflower regulars (not to be confused with the Baker Street Irregulars of course) to The Summer Book and The Winter Book perhaps this might be considered a candidate? It got a very positive review in today's Guardian newspaper.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 07 November 2009 at 09:30 PM
I read it last month (I introduced it here: ) but I'd say there isn't quite enough 'meat' in it for a group discussion.
Posted by: Cornflower | 10 November 2009 at 01:26 PM
I'm sure your judgement is totally sound. I'll try and think of some other appropriate alternatives to offer.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 10 November 2009 at 03:43 PM