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Cornflower book group

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Dark Puss

Glad to be of service dear Cornflower! I will put your "snooze-inducing" question to a couple of people I know who are avid book readers and who possess an e-reader. I will feedback any useful comments.

On your very own site there is a lovely Sleeping Beauty with the book title very clear to see!


Reading a book at breakfast, as usual, I became aware of how important the feel of a book is to me. My fingers hold clumps of pages and have the next one ready to turn quite often. I consciously dislike reading from a book lying flat on the table and e-readers repel me for this reason. Microfilm readers repelled me when I had to use them a lot as a graduate student; they were the dead opposite to snooze inducing. I have tried a kindle reader, pressed upon me by an enthusiastic friend, and after finishing one book I gave it away to another friend, telling him to feel free to pass it on and...he has done so.


That's a great gallery. I applaud the guy sleeping in the Seattle library; those blocky orange chairs are not that comfortable.

I don't know if this can be extended to e-readers, but I find myself much less likely to fall asleep when reading things on the computer than I do reading paper books. I don't know exactly why this is. Maybe because the screen is bright and therefore keeps your attention better.


Answer to your e-reader question on Monday over at booksdofurnisharoom! But, for anyone who hasn't tried one, the experience is nothing like reading microfilm or a computer screen at all!

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