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Dark Puss

You might have hyperlinked "Hilliard miniature" for those of your readers (perhaps I'm the only one) who are not educated enough to know who he was! Now I do and indeed I must have seen some of his work at both Tate Britain and the National Portrait Gallery in London.

Why the gem/gold analogy? Is that because (it tells me somewhere) Hilliard was the son of a goldsmith and trained as a jeweler?

Sorry for being so dull today.


This one looks good, I shall try to find a copy. I have way too many (if that's possible) books to read.


Apologies - I assumed knowledge! To link or not to link ....
Nothing more to the analogy than that it struck me as fitting given the way in which the poems are presented.

Dark Puss

I am sure you were right to do so, and it is indeed difficult to know how much to cross-reference. Given that no other reader raised the question I think I was correct in my parenthesised comment.

Your response to my question concerning the gems/gold analogy is very tantalising! Why is it fitting? I think you will be telling me to read the book and make up my own mind :--)

Julie Fredericksen

I had to look up Nicholas Hilliard too, so you aren't the only one. Once I did I realized I have seen some of the portraits before, e.g. Sir Walter Raleigh.


I like the look of this one.

Dark Puss

Thank you for the link!

Barbara MacLeod

Thanks for a most interesting post with all the links which I enjoyed. Having studied some of this poetry many years ago I find the author's idea for this book most intriguing! I'll put it on my Wish List.


Shame on Dark Puss, Hilliard is one of the great English portraitists, although as far as I'm aware he hardly ever - never? - worked at normal scales, preferring and perfecting the miniature. Clearly there will be no cream with DP's salmon tonight, but if he'd like a very pleasant, non-violent, and elegantly written thriller which turns on some Hilliard miniatures, he might enjoy Michael Innes' Lord Mullion's Secret.

Incidentally, "a Hilliard" is also the name for a near weightless particle, with spin +0.5, which decays without charm just short of a full lap of the LHC!

Dark Puss

Shame no doubt, but at least I was honest ("who are not educated enough") about my shortcomings! I think I might know of the "Hilliard" as a relativistically boosted muon, which would indeed behave as you indicate.


I have this on my pile to read and have been looking forward to it. I like the idea of a story much like a miniature (though I must click through your link I'm afraid!).

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