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Cornflower book group

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oh a very interesting book.i have only read one book by steinbeck[of mice and men]in highschool and i welcome the opportunity to further my knowledge about him.i like time travelling too.


Sounds interesting -- I must try to get hold of it.


grapes of wrath is one of my all-time favourites. you may have lured me into participating in this.


I just put it on hold at my library. I haven't been able to keep up with the book club this last two months, but now that the holidays are over, I have higher hopes of quiet times.

Julie Fredericksen

Oh, thank you! I love this book, and all of Steinbeck. Of particular interest to me were his writings about North Dakota. He described how lonely he felt during a night camping on the wide-open prairie, and standing "where the West begins" at the Missouri River that divides my home city of Bismarck from its sister city of Mandan.

I highly recommend "The Winter of Our Discontent", "The Grapes of Wrath", "Of Mice and Men" and "East of Eden". The Gary Sinise-John Malkovich film "Of Mice and Men" is a (new)classic and is shown in high school English classes. And for a more light-hearted read, "Cannery Row".

PS - The prairie at night holds no fear for me, having grown up on the vast Northern Plains.


Splendid! Another bdfar favourite, one of my books of 2008, I think; those wanting to refer to my post (only after the CBG debate, of course) can go here:

Susan in TX

Ooo, I have only read The Red Pony by Steinbeck. This will be a new genre for me, and my library actually has it (a rare phenomenon indeed!).
Thanks for the heads up. I'm looking forward to reading along.
Susan in TX


I love this book, so am glad of any excuse to re-read it. CBG count me in!

Mary McCartney

I'm looking forward to this as I haven't read any Steinbeck since I was at school. I have just received this morning The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop by Lewis Buzbee and he's enthusing about Steinbeck in the first few pages.


I'm in, too. Adore John Steinbeck. Look forward to the discussion.

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