Do you feel like a bookish break? Would you like to go away with your book group? That might be a bit difficult for the CBG, but more conventional groups could have a few days in Yorkshire with English Book Club Breaks, discussing Mrs. Gaskell or the Brontes, or perhaps having a retreat specially themed for them around Alan Bennett or another author with local connections. I rather fancy a comfortable hotel, good food, walking, reading, perhaps a log fire.....
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That sounds like good fun!
Posted by: Verity | 08 January 2010 at 10:23 AM
I fancy all the things you do, but not I think a book group break as I wouldn't want to be dominated by literature, particularly if themed. Curiously I might consider a flute weekend, which just goes to show how inconsistent I am (or shows something anyway).
Posted by: Dark Puss | 08 January 2010 at 11:27 AM
That sounds wonderful.
Posted by: Jennifer | 08 January 2010 at 03:44 PM
That sounds wonderful to me. Keep us posted on details.
Posted by: Linda C. | 08 January 2010 at 07:05 PM
What an interesting idea. I will be sending that link on to quite a few people. My old book group once went on holiday to Howarth and stayed in a lovley house near the famous parsonage all reading a different Bronte book. Sadly the group is defunct now but we are all good mates and it was a lovely holiday!
Posted by: Simon (Savidge Reads) | 08 January 2010 at 07:11 PM
Yes, please. When? Where? :-)
Really, I would like to do this. The only such gatherings I've attended (around an author) have been meals - a lunch or a dinner, usually when someone from a different locale comes near where others live - or, a weekend (for several activities on a Saturday) in Rye, for a Tilling event.
Posted by: Nancy | 08 January 2010 at 08:38 PM
This is the best idea I've seen in a long time. I'm tempted to do one of those Gaskell trips, and for me it would require a trip across the pond!
Posted by: Maire | 09 January 2010 at 03:10 AM
Reserve me a seat on the bus please!
Posted by: Claire | 09 January 2010 at 10:08 AM