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  • Martin Williams: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
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Cornflower book group

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Dark Puss

Is it a Romantic Novel or a novel that contains some aspects of romance? Remind me what that is exactly ...

Is it at all useful to classify novels by genre or is that primarily a way of marketing them? Does categorization lead to a narrow-minded approach to our appreciation of literature, or does it assist?

Some thoughts for today from Dark Puss

Simon (Savidge Reads)

Hmmm I have no idea why Jane would be mentioned in a detective novel... maybe its in comparison to another author? Intriguing.

I am green with envy you have this book. After reading Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks I have been desperate to get my mitts on this.

Dark Puss

Austen writes "mysteries without murder" and controls the information passed on to the reader. Who is courting whom appears to be a feature of her novels. All of this would lead James I think to refer to her in the book you quote from.


Emma is my guess.


I second Barbara's guess -- Emma. It's a mystery (who sent Jane Fairfax that piano?) with many clues buried in the text -- as often as not, in the seemingly endless prattle of Miss Bates, one of my favorite characters in literature.


Yes it has to be Emma, I agree. The secret of Frank Churchill & Jane Fairfax has many clues in the text, although I admit that on my 1st reading, I did not think to look for such clues and missed the whole jing bang!

Simon T

Just to let you know I've tagged you in a meme! Have a go if you think it looks fun, and let me know if you do... enjoy!
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