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Cornflower book group

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I think for once I prefer the US cover of the Bauermeister book (usually it's the reverse). Monty Mouse is cute--did you make him yourself? These all look good and I look forward to hearing more about them!

Dark Puss

"An absence of cats."? I can stay away if you wish it.


Danielle, Monty was made by Rebecca: while his Harris tweed heart came from the island itself.


Now, now, enough of that!


I much prefer the US cover - the British one looks light, chicklit-ish, and would not attract me. I quite fancy reading it though!

Dark Puss

You have won the dark-hearted one over, but beware my paw marks on your lovely clean weblogs!


Erica's book is delightful; a group of short-story vignettes bound together with a love of food and cooking (which I share). For dramatic intensity, some of the stories spill over into each other.
I have the American edition (lovely cover) and am always irritated when publishers feel the need to change a title, since I have more than once bought a book twice, assuming it to be a new book by an author I already like.

Simon (Savidge Reads)

Even if I own a few of the books in these posts I always just want the exact stack everyone else has... is that just me or does anyone else get TBR envy?

Looking forward to your thoughts on Legends...

adele geras

Both the title and the cover are MUCH better in the US version. I'm glad you alerted us to this book though, Cornflower, as it sounds marvellous. Whatever it's called. I'm now going back to the author's very classy looking website to read all about her!

Margaret Powling

Right. That settles it. I shall HAVE to get the American version of this book which sounds right up my street! But the scenario, the meeting of people in a restaurant after hours for a cookery class reminds me so much of the knitting club scenario of the books by Kate Jacobs - a disperate group, some experienced knitters, some novices, and with their multiplicity of problems ... as I say, right up my street.


I like the US version, like everyone else. But, I have to admit that I would be more likely to pick up and possibly buy the UK one. At the moment, chicklit is one of the few things I can bear to read. So I guess my question will be, when you've read it, which cover more accurately represents its contents?

Julie Fredericksen

I really prefer the American version. Will you stop mentioning books I have not heard of? I can't afford any more books! (Just kidding. Don't ever stop.)

I know I could go to the library but my husband has been using my car almost every day this winter. The library is not far, but it's too far in this nasty cold and the sidewalks are too slippery. I guess I'll have to wait until spring.

Julie Fredericksen

I agree - it irritates me too. What was the point of having two different titles for the Joanne Harris book that is a sequel to "Chocolat"? I purchased it as "The Girl With No Shadow" here in the US. I see it is called "The Lollipop Shoes" in Europe. (And the UK?)


I usually prefer UK covers, but this time I like the US one a lot better, even the title. Would love to read the Hector book, too.. sounds fun.

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