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Simon (Savidge Reads)

I wasnt the biggest fan of Cloud Atlas and yet this one is actually getting me very excited bookwise and I am not sure why but it really appeals. I dont write an author off for one book I didnt much like so this sounds like a good second try to watch out for.

adele geras

I loved Cloud Atlas and can't wait for this one! Thanks for the tantalizing glimpse you give.

Simon T

This arrived the other day, but I must admit your description of the opening pages hasn't made me desperate to read it (I also have no recollection of having been told I'd get a copy, or giving my address to the publisher, so goodness knows how it got here.)

Linda Gillard

Hmmm, maybe it's the lack of context, but the quotes didn't do anything for me. A bit Pseud's Corner. I think as I get older I incline more and more to one of Elmore Leonard's 10 rules of good writing: "If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it." But good to hear your faith in publishers is partially restored.

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