By a happy chance I've managed some complementary reading over the last few days. I had two books in my bag for the London trip: The Debt to Pleasure, for idle moments here and there as I needed to get on with it in time for the Book Group, and as the perfect travelling companion for both the bustle of airport lounges and the rather quieter moments* when we were above the clouds, Julia Child's My Life in France. A couple of books, one a novel, the other memoir, the two overlapping in pleasingly coincidental ways, and each satisfying a different part of the appetite, so to speak. I'm enjoying them equally and enormously and finding that paired reading of this type - if you can achieve it in a balanced way - is a good idea, and something I've never done before.
*I say 'quieter' and it was mostly, but I had a little boy sitting next to me who whipped the lifejacket from under his seat before we'd even had the safety video (just as well we weren't in the row by the emergency exits as he might have been trying the door handles, too), kept up a running commentary on our progress, asked the stewardess what type of tea she was serving and graciously accepted the English Breakfast on offer, later deeming it "very refreshing"!
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