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I really loved this book when I read it a few years ago. My favourite of Rose Tremain's, definitely. Nice review -- thanks.


What a lovely book this sounds! I recently read The Road Home and enjoyed her writing style very much.

Simon (Savidge Reads)

This does sound like an absolute treat. I am yet to read any Tremain and may have to start with some of her short stories to see how I get on. I do have some of her longer works like Restoration but not this book, so now of course its the one I most want!


I must agree with Barbara - however not only did I give up on this book, I hurled it across the room in disgust.

Have studied music and literature, I bought this novel, having been pursuaded by the title and blurb, thinking it would artfully interlace both my passions, and oh, how wrong I was! Admittedly, Tremains 'musical interludes' are not soooooo bad, but the characters are so atrocious (a collective of one-dimensional fools and worse) that I simply couldn't continue.

Considering I generally admire your taste in books, Cornflower, I wonder whether we read the same 'Music and Silence'?!


And I was thinking you got a couple new dogs!


I thoroughly enjoyed Music and Silence when I read it some time ago and I also enjoyed The Road Home. However the book of Rose Tremain's that I have been most impressed with is The Colour (2003). It is set in 19th century New Zealand at the time of the gold rush. The characters are interesting and complex and have come from across the world. They are struggling to find a sense of place in an alien and at times hostile landscape. Like characters in other Rose Tremain books they are flawed, believable and synpathetically drawn. I highly recommend this.


N, your point about the one-dimensional nature of the characters is a very interesting one. To my eyes the book read as almost a fable (hence the last sentence of my post), and so I saw the characters as the stock "wicked witch"/"handsome prince" etc. kind which accounts for the lack of roundedness.


I read The Colour a few years ago and enjoyed it very much, too.

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