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Julie Fredericksen

Congratulations to Barbara Kingsolver! I know some people didn't like the book because it wasn't like her other books. Hmm, an author can't change the type of book she writes?

Karen, I have a question for you (and your readers?): Do you read more British books because they are more available to you, or because you think British authors are, as a group, better? Do you ever check into books from American Best Book Lists? (I won't say Bestseller Lists because in the US those lists are usually full of junk.)For example, The Book of the Month Club had nominated six books for the 2009 First Fiction Awards. The nominees were "Swimming" by Nicola Keegan, "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" by David Wroblewski, "All the Living" by C. E. Morgan, "Mathilda Savitch" by Victor Lodato, "The Piano Teacher" By Janice Y.K. Lee and "A Reliable Wife" by Robert Goolrick (Winner). Had you even heard of any of these books? BTW - I heartily recommend the two I have read - Edgar Sawtelle and A Reliable Wife.

You and your readers have made me aware of some great and great-sounding British books. I say great-sounding because some of them are not available in the US (yet?). However, I am happy to say I am ordering "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand" from another book-of-the-month club.

An American Reader ...

Dark Puss

Dear Julie

I read books from all around the world with only the native English language authors dominating. I have read in the last couple of years many "American" books by US, Canadian, Central American/Cuban authors. I haven't heard of most books/authors that win prizes, so no UK specific bias there!

A British reader in London

adele geras

I, personally, am still disappointed that Hearts and Minds by Amanda Craig wasn't on the shortlist. You mentioned it some time ago, Cornflower....have you read it yet? Sure you'd agree with me!


Julie, that's a very interesting question. I'm not the best person to answer it as my reading is so heavily skewed towards what I'm sent by British publishers (although I do get the occasional book from America, or American ones which are now being published here - I've read The Piano Teacher and have A Reliable Wife waiting, for instance). Hm, good food for thought there - thankyou!


The shame, Adele - I still haven't read it! Have read such marvellous reports of it everywhere so I must get to it soon.


Hmmm. I have read most of The Lacuna; stopped about 3/4 of the way through when the protag. started to receive the letters from the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities (however its name goes), because I could see what would happen. Plan to go back and finish it. I have loved, loved, loved Bean Trees and Animal Dreams; liked Pigs in Heaven; worked hard and come to respect Poisonwood Bible. This one made me wonder why on EARTH she chose this voice/persona/topic. . . but she does it thoroughly and effectively. I'd say I appreciate it, rather than that I like it.

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