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Dark Puss

Your opening quote is interesting as the motivation for writing and reading may very well be quite different. I can only talk about the latter and I'm going to put my hand up and say that I don't specifically seek joy in my reading. That may well make me "stupid", others are better placed to look at me with insight into some aspects of my character. I mostly look for entertainment, sometimes "instruction" (a poor word but I can't do better at the moment) and sometimes, but not often, I do it purely to block out something else in my life. Perhaps this is a matter of definitions, what is joy to one person may be misery to another; it will be interesting to hear from some authors as to what their motivations for writing are and whether their approach to reading differs in any significant way.


The preceding part of the interview might be useful for clarification:
"Williams complains about the changes in the teaching of literature and the attitude to the text 'as if a novel or poem is something to be studied and understood rather than experienced.' Wooley then suggests playfully, 'It's to be exegeted, in other words.' 'Yes. As if it were a kind of puzzle.' ... "
This links neatly with some of the comments on the post below (Books worth staying up for) about how study at school has put people off certain books for life!

Dark Puss

As always your comments help me a great deal. As to the problem of books at school, well you saw how I dealt with that one!


Stoner really is a gem. I always wonder if it hits me especially hard (as a Lit PhD from the Midwest, it is particularly relevant), so it's great to see others revel in it. I've meant to work my way through the Williams corpus, but haven't got up the momentum to do it yet.

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