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Pauline Barclay

We've just ordered out Kindle and can not wait to get it, so pleased you are thrilled with yours...belated happy birthday x


Thankyou, Pauline! It's an amazing device - hope yours gets to you soon.


Oh I'm really pleased you're trying this out & will await your reports with interest!


Congratulations! What a wonderful present. Yours seems to have a proper cover, too. I was horrified by the price of them until I noticed that they come with a light. After a recent all night power cut (the horror!) I'm thinking again.

Linda C.

Oh, I'm excited for you, and will be eager to hear a complete report on your Kindle experiences. Your first book, Country of the Pointed Firs, just happens to be my favorite book of all time! I have read it many times. So, I will also be eager to learn your thoughts about that as well. Thanks for your blog; it is always a pleasure to read.

Susan in TX

So delighted for you and hope you enjoy it immensely. (And, I promise to not think of you as a blasphemer who has turned your back on we paper purists ;) ).


No, Susan, I won't turn my back on paper books - this will be an 'as well as' rather than an 'instead of'!

Dark Puss

As I mentioned very recently (on somebody's weblog I think) I too have just acquired the big brother/big sister of the Kindle. I have the Kindle DX. Much the same but much bigger. I'll also let people know, if interest is expressed, of my experiences as I track (lag I suspect) behind Karen.


Enjoy the reading!


Aren't they so aesthetically pleasing! I'm not quite sure how I feel about using one of these devices myself but know they are here to stay.

Enjoy your present, it's a very thoughtful gift!


Please do let us know how you are getting on with your version, DP, and if you have any advice on transferring notes from the Kindle to the computer I'd be glad to hear it. (My notes were in .txt form and I then copied and pasted from Notepad to OneNote - is it possible to convert them to another format?)

Dark Puss

Hi, just a quick thought (I have no experience!), perhaps Kindle for PC might be the tool you seek?

I'm already pleased and frustrated with my large Kindle. It seems to not understand the concept of folders of documents (pdf files) although of course internally it does.

A proper review (collection of my thoughts would be more accurate) should appear in a week or so.

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