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Harriet Smart

This is very exciting. Mine is on order, so I am obviously salivating a bit...

Definitely agree that it will compliment rather than replace paper books. Have horrible idea that I will still go on holiday with both. Looking foward to seeing my own work on it too (it's in the Kindle uk store if anyone fancies some)

Looking forward to hearing more!

Linda Baines

Karen Which model have you got? I'm starting to think about asking for one for Christmas.

Pauline Barclay

So pleased you are enjoying it. Our Kindle has not yet hoo! But if you fancy my second novel is now in Kindle.....excited! Have a fabby Kindle weekend. hugs x


Linda, my extravagant husband ordered the 3G+WiFi one for me as he thought it would be as well to have the capacity to use it anywhere!


Pauline, mine arrived in three parts over about a week. I didn't know what was in the strange Amazon packages which were being delivered addressed to my husband, but when all was revealed I discovered they were firstly the cable and plug, secondly the case, and last of all the Kindle itself!
Thanks for the tip about your book.


I hope you don't have long to wait, Harriet, and yes, I can imagine taking a paper book away as well, just in case the Kindle didn't work for some reason!!


with my trip to Oz coming up I think this is now becoming a necessity or else I shall be paying huge amoutns for excess luggage. Will drop broad hints for Christmas!!


It would be perfect for you, Elaine, given the rate at which you read, and you could get all your favourite Victorian novels for it free!

Dark Puss

Linda, I have the "DX" model. It doesn't have wifi (just 3G) but has much larger screen. My use will I think be very different from Cornflower's and I'll post about that on my own weblog in about a week.

Dark Puss

That's so weird! Mine came in one single package (as you might expect).

Dark Puss

Just buy one, really they are fairly inexpensive these days - of course you'll have to factor in all the e-books you will now be purchasing!


Yes it is becoming more and more likely that I shall get one sooner or later and having all those free books is a great temptation

Coffee and a Book Chick

I so want to pick this or the Nook up...therefore I'm more and more jealous with each passing post you write...


The Kindle is great, so convenient! I've had one for about 6 months (recently changed to the latest gen.) and I'm yet to actually BUY a book from Amazon. I use it exclusively to read copyright-free classics. I can get most Penguin Classics introductions sent to my Kindle as free samples if I want the background info on the book I'm reading :)

Julie Fredericksen

I confess to being somewhat of a Luddite. I'm one of the few people in the US who doesn't have a cell phone. To me, Kindle and other brands are not substitute for a "real" book. But to learn that you can bookmark, make notes and look up words in a dictionary has made me feel all of a sudden that I might not actually "hate" Kindle.

Karen, I am glad that you say you will not give up regular books!

I'm happy too that the price has come down so far, at least it has here. The one drawback for me would be the cost of downloading the next book at 10 bucks a pop. At my rate of reading that would be a lot of money over a year's time if I read only Kindle books. My next door neighbor has one and loves it. Maybe I should ask to try hers out.

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