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Cornflower book group

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Wow. Me too!


It is such a beautiful house and with that history. I wish I had that kind of money available :)

Elizabeth Buchan

It was a magical, liberating place for her. Going there as a child, she glimpsed possibilities which her cramped London life could not offer. I think it can be argued this house and its garden provided the catalyst to her creative life.
Elizabeth Buchan


Elizabeth, I see the particulars predictably but worryingly say "considerable scope for division and redevelopment". That sort of change would surely be unlikely to respect the house's significance.


Wow, let me at it!!

The fact that it is being sold with potential for redevelopment, I think is a crime.
It should be a requirement that it is refurbished as is, I can't believe that it isn't listed in some way, given it's history and position.
It looks like a prime candidate property that the Scottish equivalent of th English National Trust, should consider investing in.
I can just see some numpty of a city nerd, snapping it up and redeveloping it as apartments, that seems to be the 'in' thing at the moment.
Oh for a spare million, you are all invited as weekend guests!


What a gorgeous house. I hope developers don't get their hands on that lovely place. I hope a cashed-up Beatrix Potter fan buys it!


It is 'B' listed, Yvonne, so would be subject to fairly stringent conditions, but that wouldn't rule out redevelopment. Let's all buy a lottery ticket and keep our fingers crossed!


Gorgeous house! I do hope someone will just keep it as it is but is that wishful thinking.

Susan in TX

It is absolutely beautiful - it looks like my dream house!


This is my family's area too, Cornflower, and I would dearly love that house but two million Canadian just isn't tucked under the mattress at the moment. I do hope the next owner doesn't ruin it.

I haven't visited in a long time so off to have a look at the books.


If only we could all club together and make it a book blogger retreat *shakes piggy bank*

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