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Can't wait to get mine!


They look wonderful. I should look for them, they're probably available online?


They are, Iris - I've just added a postscript with details.


I was deeply envious of a friend who had the Penguin box but those postcards are just so desireable that I am going to have to buy them! My bank manager wont thank you for bringing them to my attention but I will!

Fran H-B

Oh yes, these are a must! I looked at the book of Puffin covers a while back and memories just came flooding back. Imagine opening up this box......cant wait!

Simon T

Ok, I need these... question is, do they count as a book or not?!


Definitely not, Simon, so on you go!


I don't think I could part with those!


They definitely look too good to give away, I certainly wouldn't.
On the other hand, what would you do with them? Postcard collecting is all the rage at the moment apparently, but all these lovely hobbies are so space consuming.
I think if I started collecting something else, I may pretty quickly find myself homeless!!

Barbara MacLeod

Last year on two separate occasions I purchased 2 boxes of the Postcards from Penquin and I must tell you what a Smart Move that tuned out to be! I used them as gifts. For example, I have a lady friend who is a great organiser - books the venue, sends out the notices, always writes letters or sends cards for whatever is required. As a Thank You on one particular occasion I gave her one of these boxes. She was thrilled; many years ago she used to work in the publishing world. Another example, instead of turning up at the party with a bottle of wine for the host/hostess (who were both great readers) I used another box.
So thanks, once again, for flagging this up!


How wonderful - both them and the penguin ones are now on my list for Christmas!!

Simon (Savidge Reads)

Oh these look wonderful. There are several of them which take me back to my childhood especially that cover of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe which was actually my mothers.

Desperate Reader

Can't wait to get these they look great and I agree with Barbara Macleod - they make great gifts.


Oh my goodness I want these! What a brilliant idea.



Swallows and Amazons ...

That is tempting!


Thank you so much for showing this. Just lovely!


Aren't these gorgeous! I am rather hoping that someone might give me a box for Christmas - possibly the person who gave me the Penguin box last year! But I wonder if I should say to her, you buy me one and I'll get one for you, because I know she will love them as much as I do.

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