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Dark Puss

"is that I want to avoid mistakes if I possibly can"

I'd say that perspective is holding you back in some ways. You have to embrace the possibility of making mistakes and then learning from them, real progress does not come from always chosing the "right" path and as you say often that is not at all easy to identify.

Books like these are probably useful (I've read dozens) but taking the plunge and initiating action and then learning from both success and failure is much more important. I spent far to long reading about "management" (personal and institutional) rather than actually getting down to doing it. Yes I've made mistakes, some quite significant ones on occasion, but I would not have made much progress in my life if I hadn't been prepared to do that - not that it is fun at the time.

Do let us know how you get on and what you learned from your errors.


Oh dear, I can't decide whether to comment or not! Maybe not, or maybe tomorrow?


good to see you've taken up Profile's challenge Karen! I read the e mail and just couldn't see how I'd have the time for the daily blog post they were askiing for nor the time to write the lists and then decide what to do when. Probably because I could better spend the time getting all those things on the list done. I suspect my current day job helps because I have limited time in which to prioritise, plan, action and implement what I have to do and I suspect I stay in that reasonably organised mode when I stop. I have no problem making mistakes either.. it's a daily occurrence so they tell me:-) Look forward to seeing how you get on.

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