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Sharon Goforth


Not sure I will be able to join in for Babette's Feast, but I definitely will for The Good Soldier. I've been waiting a long time for the right opportunity to read it, and this seems ideal.


Dark Puss

This is more like it! Twelve copies currently available in my university library. I hope it lives up to its billing, so far the CBG books which have had "comic moments" have not found much favour with me. On my way to get a copy right now.


That's great, Sharon!


Excellent, DP. I'm not sure how comic any 'moments' will be given the rest of the book's subject-matter, but we shall see!

Susan E

I was just thinking I'd like to reread The Good Soldier so here's my alibi. I'd be delighted to join in. Susan E

Susan in TX

I've been having trouble lately keeping up with reading, but hopefully I'll be able to rejoin y'all in July. This is one of those that's been on my TBR shelf for quite a while (and it's skinny!) so here's hoping! Hope your summer is off to a good start.


That was fortuitous, Susan - glad to give you an excuse for a re-read.


Thanks, Susan. Glad I chose a skinny one in the end - I was considering something almost twice as long!

Barbara MacLeod

Like Sharon above, I am going to have to give Babette's Feast a miss but I am off to the library for a copy of The Good Soldier .

B R Wombat

Oh what a good choice! Just reading the first lines you quote on the other side of the blog made my heart soar. I've discovered from my book list that it's not even a year since I first read The Good Soldier, but I'll be delighted to read it again. I see your link for the ebook takes us to Amazon where it costs 69p but it's absolutely free from Project Gutenberg.

Julie Fredericksen

Sharon, You can read Babette's Feast in under an hour. That is, if you have a copy!

Julie Fredericksen


By your choices (most of them anyway) you are conducting a class on English literature and I mean the kind of English - or should I say British - literature I was never exposed to as an "English" major in college. What fun - The Good Soldier id already ordered and on its way.

I was so disappointed that so many people chose not to read Babette's Feast. Were they not aware that this is not a novel or even a novelette, but a short story easily read by everyone in a short period of time?


Thankyou, Julie. Yes, it is surprising that comparatively few people read Babette's Feast; I suppose you can take a horse to water, but...!


I found this book available free from Project Gutenberg and have downloaded it for the Kindle.


Many thanks for that link, Sandy.

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