The first episode of Case Histories, a drama series based on Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brodie novels and "set amidst the iconic landscapes of modern Edinburgh" is to be aired later this evening. Naturally, the Edinburgh tag gets my interest, but I've long been keen to read those books and others by Kate Atkinson who cropped up as one of the Cornflower readership's most popular writers last year. I don't possess any of her books, though I've heard nothing but good about the likes of Case Histories, Behind The Scenes At The Museum and One Good Turn, but what do you think?
Have you read them, and which would you particularly recommend?
I love all of Kate Atkinson's books that I've read. Her crime fiction (which starts with Case Histories) seems to be her most popular work, but I have a soft spot for her non-crime novels, Behind the Scenes at the Museum and Emotionally Weird.
Posted by: Teresa | 05 June 2011 at 09:25 PM
Kate Atkinson is one of my favourite writers. Her crime novels are really, really good, but, like Teresa, I prefer her earlier books. Emotionally Weird is my personal favourite, but all her books are wonderful. (And I'm a bit confused about the TV adaptation - my hazy memory seems to recall that it's the second book in the Jackson Brodie series that's set in Edinburgh, and that Case Histories is set in Oxford. Are they perhaps dramatising both books in the one TV series?)
Posted by: Caroline | 06 June 2011 at 01:20 AM
I agree with Caroline and Teresa. I remember reading Behind The Scenes at the Museum many years ago and loving it. I enjoyed watching Edinburgh last night although I found the story rather muddled. Perhaps that was just my Sunday evening torpor though!
Posted by: Claire | 06 June 2011 at 07:55 AM
I concur with all three of your previous posters, Behind the Scenes at the Museum is my recommendation too.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 06 June 2011 at 08:06 AM
I read and loved Behind the Scenes at the Museum then no more Kate Atkinson until Case Histories. I loved the series so much that I pre-ordered the fourth book because I just couldn't wait. I still have a couple of her pre-Jackson Brodie books which I haven't read so can't comment on them.
Posted by: Barbara | 06 June 2011 at 08:36 AM
I have read "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" and "When Will There Be Good News?" and liked them both. I would read another Jackson Brodie crime novel, especially if it featured spunky 16-year-old Reggie Chase again (I don't know if any do).
Posted by: Julie Fredericksen | 06 June 2011 at 02:42 PM
COrnflower, you have nothing but enormous treats in store! Buy all four of the Jackson Brodie books and read them in turn. They are splendid. Really. The series started well on tv I thought and Edinburgh looked terrific (though Case Histories is set in Cambridge in the book!) but as KA herself said in an interview in the ST, when something is adapted for tv, however good it is (and this is very good indeed, I have to say) SOMETHING IS MISSING and that's THE WORDS! Couldn't have put it better myself. You'll see when you read the book, just how much MORE of everything you liked in the tv version you will find. That's why in general it's better to read a book before you've seen the visual version....never mind, you'll still love these books. I promise!
Posted by: adele geras | 06 June 2011 at 03:01 PM
Yes, like Julie Fredericksen I've read 'Behind the Scenes at the Museum' and 'When Will There Be Good News', which was the third in the Jackson Brodie series, and made me wish I'd read them in order - though that didn't spoil my enjoyment.
I thought the TV version last night was great, can't wait for tonight. My hubby even managed to stay awake!
Posted by: cindyf | 06 June 2011 at 07:27 PM
I have only recently become a fan, and I am glad I have had. I have just finished Case Histories and reviewed it on my blog in preparation of the TV programme that I felt was very good last night - looking forward to part 2 tonight. Sticks to the book very well.
I am hoping to read One Good Turn before next week. The only one I did not enjoy was Emotionally Weird but that is not a Jackson Brodie.
I hope you enjoy any of them when you get the chance.
Posted by: Jo | 06 June 2011 at 08:30 PM
I love all her books. She is wonderful at both literary and crime fiction. My favourite is Behind the Scenes at the Museum. I've read it three times and lend it out so often I've had to replace my paperback copy.
Posted by: Juxtabook | 06 June 2011 at 09:17 PM
I've had Behind the Scenes on the shelf since it was published, still unread, but loved Case Histories on TV and now want to read the books. Sadly, seeing them will spoil the plot lines even if the writing is far better than any dramatization could possibly be. But excellent stuff on TV nonetheless and Edinburgh looked wonderful. I'd love Brodie's mews house (I almost said 'muse' ... writing on the brain, har, har!) And lovely to see Phil Davies in a non-nasty part, too.
Posted by: Margaret Powling | 06 June 2011 at 10:49 PM
Behind the Scenes is the one I have most recently read. I thought it was slow going at the beginning though it certainly caught up midway.
Posted by: Mystica | 07 June 2011 at 01:24 AM
Coincidentally I am reading Started Early, Took My Dog. I didn't realise it was one of a Jackson Brodie series but I will definitely seek the other books out. This one is set in Yorkshire, so far at least. Behind the Scenes at the Museum is also a long time favourite of mine. I look forward to seeing Case Histories; her novels ae very visual and I am sure would make great television.
Posted by: Jill | 07 June 2011 at 02:20 AM
I read the Behind the Scenes at the Museum many years ago and found it wonderfully put together and paced.It made me feel great to be alive. Human Croquet was poor by comparison.Now with Jackson Brodie Kate Atkinson is on something of a roll though I became a little jaded with them when reaching When will there be good news?
Behind the Scenes at the Museum is a book that has stayed long in the memory.
Posted by: Marybel Tracey | 07 June 2011 at 10:02 AM
Downloaded a couple of her books on my Kindle recently but have yet to read them and now she pops up on the TV. I have watched both episodes of htis series and thought it was very good, but as I have not read the books, don't know if this is justified. I am looking forward to discovering her after all the comments above
Posted by: Elaine | 07 June 2011 at 10:52 AM
I concur with most commenters, Behind the scenes at the museum is the book that made her name and it deserves its excellent reputation. She is a little bit variable after this good start. My Ma is an avid crime reader and really rates the Jackson Brodie books, I think they are very readable and stylish but more forgettable than her debut, which has stayed with me, so I'd take that as the place to start although it's set in York not Edinburgh.
Posted by: oxslip | 08 June 2011 at 07:39 AM
I'm a Kate Atkinson fan too and felt Case Histories was too condensed on TV. The book was much better and more subtle. I didn't visualise Brodie as a handsome hulk in the novels either! Behind the Scenes at the Museum and When Will there be Good News are my favourites, but it's probably best to read the Brodie books in order.
Posted by: Susie Vereker | 08 June 2011 at 04:23 PM
I particularly enjoy her short stories
Posted by: Crafty Green Poet | 08 June 2011 at 05:15 PM
In my earlier post I recommended to you, as did many others, Behind the Scenes at the Museum. I'm now about a third of the way through One Good Turn and I don't think it's a patch on her earlier work. If you want crime set in and around Edinburgh then read Ian Rankin, he does it so much better and his Edinburgh feels right, her's struck me as concocted from the pages of "The Rough Guide to Scotland" or somesuch. Not impressed, I may well give up on it.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 16 June 2011 at 03:54 PM
An update; I did finish One Good Turn and thought the second half better than the first. However it struck me as being rather cliched in many ways (the characters in particular I found unsubtly "painted") and I don't feel it to be a more than average book.
Do let us know which Atkinson you are reading or are going to read.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 11 July 2011 at 11:59 AM