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Karen, I appreciate the way you discuss books without giving a detailed summary. So many newspaper reviewers seem to have devolved into a standard of regurgitating plot developments. No thanks. Suggesting the content is so much better, and then the reader hears the story from the author. - Fay

Margaret Powling

You are not going to believe this but I have just put this book down to come and check emails and blog postings and make a cup of tea, after which I shall return to it. I'm thoroughly enjoying Ophelia in Pieces, not quite halfway yes and as you say, more of her chambers and Samuel Slidders (I warm to anyone old fashioned enough to call someone "old fruit"!) would be more than welcome. This is an excellent first novel and I'm just wondering now whether I shall pick up that tiny discrepancy in continuity that you mention!

adele geras

I love anything with a legal setting and hadn't seen this yet. Will search for it and read. Thanks Cornflower. And agree with Fay that reviewers who give away the plot are very naughty.


Thank you for the recommendation, I love a legal setting on a TV programme so looking forward to it in a book form as well!


Thankyou, Fay.


So glad to hear you're enjoying it, Margaret.


I'm glad that it has your approval in terms of authenticity!
I love books with a legal setting, but as a former court reporter (the journalistic sort) it really annoys me when there are inaccuracies and especially when people get away with the sort of outbursts that would have had them thrown out for contempt (if not into the cells)
Another book to go on my ever-lengthening list!

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