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David Nolan (dsc73277)

I really must get around to reading "Romantic Moderns", I have wanted to do so since being highly impressed by the vibrant enthusiasm of its author when she accepted that Guardian first book prize last year. I'm pleased to hear that her enthusiasm translates to the page, as that is not an easy trick to pull off. I have a feeling that whilst I wrote some good essays as a student, they generally lacked the spirit of my seminar presentations - without wishing to make any extravagant claims about the quality of the latter!

What is it about English departments, I wonder, that is currently leading them to producing cross-discipline work that engages the general reader so well? The other wide-ranging English academic I'm thinking of in this regard is Robert Macfarlane who has written brilliantly about mountains and wild places; not exactly the first topics you would expect given his specialism.

With regard to Michael Holroyd's comments about the decline of the conventional biography, I was struck today that the biography section of my local library is fairly big. Only the fiction section is larger. It does not seem long since biography, even of the non-celebrity kind, was selling very well. Perhaps it is just a cyclical thing?

Barbara MacLeod

There was a short piece Biography 'in crisis' by Charlotte Higgins in yesterday's Guardian. It was on page 3 which was mainly about this topic:

I would be interested in your view on the topic of this author (Patterson) who had "a little help from his friends" (as stated in the headline for this article).

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