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Cornflower book group

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" you ever find yourself wishing that someone today was writing the sort of book that a particular (now deceased) writer used to write?"

Yes, the humorous novels of E.F. Benson. While covering quite a few human foibles and behaviors, they were never crude or rude. They leave you wanting more - more of the characters.

Dark Puss

No, absolutely not!


Did not your mother say once that she wished someone nowadays would write Barbara Pym-type novels?

Dark Puss

Oh yes I'm sure she did. My own view is that I will read Ms Pym if I want that type of book and that probably, and I don't have any evidence either way, someone already is writing such books but I don't know who they are!

I've loved all sorts of writers who are no longer with us but I don't look to modern writers to emulate them.

Barbara MacLeod

Can I ask you a question on a completely different topic, please?
I was listening to Start the Week this morning [October 17]
where Lisa Randall mentioned her recently published book Knocking on Heaven's Door. Do you know it? Any thoughts?

Dark Puss

Hello Barbara
Lisa Randall is an extremely famous theoretical physicist who certainly understands far, far more about particle physics and cosmology that I ever did. One of her claims to fame is the work she did with Sundrum on "warped extra dimensions". I haven't read her new "popular" book but I expect it will be a valiant attempt to explain the almost inexplicable without resorting to too many mathematical concepts. Have a look here at what Lisa herself has to say about the book. If I can get my paws on a copy to borrow I'll read it and post on MCS.


Hmmmmmm, almost sounds like the beginnings of the Big Bang Theory. Has that television comedy made it across the pond yet. It's one of my favorite shows - the favorite comedy, that is.

Dark Puss

Hello Nancy, yes indeed it has made it across the Atlantic ocean all the way to the European continental shelf. I like it too, but I will say that I have met very few characters in that field who are much like the protagonists.


I would say no. Especially to books in the style of deceased authors. I mean, I would adore it if someone found a whole load of unpublished Sayers or Heyer or Wodehouse and so on. But I don't want, and won't read, books written as poor imitation.

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