Full marks for a very stylish cover! This is Q: A Love Story by Evan Mandery, the latest addition to the TBR pile, and an interesting-sounding novel which comes with a warning from The New York Times - "a word to the tear-prone: don't attempt to read the ending in public".
It's a tale of "time travel and true love" about an unorthodox professor who is also a writer of little acclaim. When he meets his future self and is advised by him not to marry Q (Quentina Elizabeth Deveril), the love of his life, what should he do - "evade future misery or maintain present bliss?"
Set in New York, this is "an epic love story fashioned on quantum foundations. The novel wears its philosophical and narrative sophistication lightly: in exuberant, direct and witty prose, Mandery brings an essayist’s poise to this fabulous romance. And, finally, Q has an ending that will melt even the darkest heart".
You can read more about the book on Evan Mandery's website, but I've read the prologue and beyond to get a feel for it and I've found the first person narrative sunny in mood and self-deprecatory in tone and thus very appealing. As to the plot - how intriguing!
I love that cover! Very simple and elegant. Sounds like a gripping story as well.
Posted by: Kate {The Parchment Girl} | 31 January 2012 at 12:13 AM
Hearts don't come much darker than mine and will Dark Puss need to revise his Quantum Mechanics for this book?
bras, kets, raising and lowering operators, uncertainty principle, Clebsch-Gordan - it's all a bit hazy now.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 31 January 2012 at 08:42 AM
I'm always a bit wary when blurbs start talking about 'quantum foundations' and 'philosophical and narrative sophistication' - it makes me wonder if it is going to be far too clever for the likes of me because I haven't the vaguest idea what they are on about!
Having said that, the story does sound intriguing and the cover is attractively different so I will keep an eye out for it at the library and at least try it!
Posted by: LizF | 31 January 2012 at 05:58 PM