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I'm not going to post here to say for the umpteenth time that I enjoyed the Black House immensely and The Lewis Man is on my shelves just looking smug at the moment, knowing I'm just trying not to rush my current book just to get to it.

Oops.. somehow it slipped out

Mr Cornflower

I almost pulled this book from Cornflower's hands, such was my impatience; and like her I was not disappointed. I read it in 24 hours and am looking round greedily for the next course. Autumn? I can't wait!


Marvellous that the first book had such a grip on all of us that we can't wait for more!


I was hoping to pick up Blackhouse but got Blowback. This is going to be my last read in Melbourne. Thank you for the recommendations. It has given me such a lot of good reading whilst here in Melbourne where access to books is good.


Glad to hear that, Mystica, thankyou.


After waiting for months, The Blackhouse has finally arrived at the library with my name on it and I am waiting impatiently until I can get there on Saturday to collect it.

I have almost finished the most recent Greek Detective novel by Anne Zouroudi and am happy to say that it is every bit as good as the others! I hope that you get to read them soon, Cornflower as I think you will enjoy them. Reading them in order isn't absolutely necessary but I've found it does help.


After that long wait for The Blackhouse I do so hope you'll enjoy it, Liz.


Finally I could not wait any longer and I interrupted my latest Robin Hobb trilogy to read The Lewis Man. As before, I enjoyed Perter May's writing and I was held by the story - unable to put it down.

The social history that is the foundation of this tale was unknown to me and I know that this book will stay in my memory a long time, such is the emotional reaction to it.

As before, the interweaving of different threads (this time different voices) seems effortless and not at all intrusive. It would give away too much of the plot to say much more ... so I wont!



Effortless is the word! So glad you enjoyed it, too, Sandy.


Just finished The Blackhouse, and yes, Cornflower you were right! I read the last third in a sitting when I should have been doing something for work because it was impossible to put down.

I've read crime novels set on Shetland (Ann Cleeves' Jimmy Perez novels)before but it was fascinating to contrast them with life on Lewis especially the bits about the guga harvest, which both fascinated and repelled me!

The first couple of chapters of The Lewis Man were included at the back of the book and I now desperately want to get my hands on that too to find out what happens next for Fin Macleod.


Re. the guga, I read an interview with Peter May in which he said that the current leader of the guga hunters got in touch with him about the book. He was worried that he was in for criticism, but the man said that he and his team had all read The Blackhouse and loved it. From what PM said, that reaction to the book is typical of what he's had on Lewis, which must be very gratifying for him.
Hope you manage to get hold of The Lewis Man soon as it's a very worthy follow-up.

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