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Cornflower book group

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You had me convinced with your 'First Impressions' post! We don't have this showing up on my library's catalogue but I've added it to my Amazon wish list as a way to remember it. And you're right, by the sound of things it's just the sort of storyline we love to watch on a Sunday evening.


I hope you'll manage to lay hands on a copy soon, Darlene. It's so good!

Mr Cornflower

I was interested in how the character of the narrator unfolds - I was going to say changes, but part of the skill of the book lies in the subtle hints that what we're seeing is not so much Frances changing from from a rather bland, passive individual to a more interesting, devious and manipulative one, more an example of someone gradually revealing different aspects of her nature. This is not an easy trick to pull off.


I'm adding this one to my wishlist, too. You always have such tempting books on my sidebar. I know to just open another window with Amazon or TBD opened when I visit here to make life easier... :)

Julie Fredericksen

Just had to add this to my wish list too.


The joy of visiting so many book blogs!


I happened to look up the US edition the other day, and I'm sure that the image they have used for the jacket is that of an Edinburgh doorway! Whatever is on the cover, it's an excellent book.


Just like you, I thought I'd just read a sample chapter and then the next thing I knew I had "kindled" it and read it until I finished at some early hour this morning! What an interesting person Frances turns out to be and what a great read! The storyline was tight, it moved at a good pace and it was all very clever. I had no idea how it would end and I loved it! Your enthusiasm caught my attention!


So glad you enjoyed it, Deirdre.

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