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Bill Peschel

I spent a great amount of time annotating her books, because they're crammed with learning. Poetry from Donne and Shakespeare, references to the sciences like Eddington, religious fights over the divinity of Jesus, contemporary references to books, plays, music-hall songs. They neatly encapsulate life and thought in Britain during the 1920s and '30s and are well worth re-reading.


Perhaps she just didn't like him! She must have spent hours researching, not just the bells, but church architecture, and the fenland waterways and all kinds of other things. And the story must have been so well planned, because there don't seem to be any loose ends or discrepancies - did she hold the plot and characters in her head, or keep notebooks to ensure it all panned out correctly?

Barbara MacLeod

I am in the middle of it and, I too, am mightily impressed with this author! I got the book on request from the library as it had been taken out of circulation. Definitely worth the effort!

Mr Cornflower

She may not have pulled many bell-ropes, but she certainly knew how to pull someone's leg....

Joan Kyler

One of the many wonderful things about England is change ringing. I love it and wish it were common in the United States. We have churches, we have bells, but almost no one rings (the?) changes. I know two churches in Boston that do, but none in Philadelphia. So sad.

I liked Dorothy Sayers but read my books and gave them away. Now, I wish I hadn't.


On the basis of this one alone I'd certainly agree, Bill.


The detail of all aspects of the book is so impressive.


Out of circulation - gasp!!


I hope you're right.


I love to hear bells rung (and had a brief go myself once).

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