Many of us are big fans of Linda Gillard's novels, and usually when I start a post with those words it's to let everyone know that there is a new one just out, but today they preface a notice of a different kind because Linda has had bad news concerning her health and she could do with the support of all of us who so enjoy her books. If you haven't already seen it you can go onto Linda's Facebook page and read her major update from Wednesday.
Our very best wishes to you, Linda.
I have already done so Karen and sent her my very best thoughts and prayers. I am sure the support of all her readers will help enormously. I have been so heartened and consoled by the responses to my post on my lovely friend Sue who recently died, and I know from experience that it all helps.
Posted by: Elaine | 27 April 2012 at 01:14 PM
It is great to see so many lovely messages on Linda's page there, and I'm sure that knowing she has that support and following will make a difference to her.
In turn, no doubt your friend Sue's family were very touched by your lovely post about her and the comments it got.
Posted by: Cornflower | 27 April 2012 at 03:12 PM
I've read and enjoyed most of Linda Gillard's 'dead tree' books. Thanks for updating those of us who "don't do Facebook", though obviously we would all prefer it had the need not arisen. Fortunately, one doesn't need to be a Facebook user to send good old-fashioned thoughts and prayers. Linda's positive attitude given what she is facing, is chastening to those of us concerned by lesser worries.
Posted by: David Nolan (dsc73277) | 27 April 2012 at 04:54 PM
That sort of news does put lesser concerns into perspective.
Posted by: Cornflower | 27 April 2012 at 05:15 PM
There is a dark side to the internet, we all know this, but so many times over the last six years since I have been blogging, I have been supported and encouraged through illness, anxiety and loss of loved ones and it really does help.
I have been quite overwhelmed by comments and emails regarding Sue, mostly from people who did not know her and it is wonderful
Posted by: Elaine | 27 April 2012 at 05:25 PM
Thanks, everyone (especially Cornflower) for your kind thoughts. Since I went public about my cancer on my FB author page I've been overwhelmed with hundreds of good wishes, prayers & survivor stories. Almost all these comments have been left by people I've never met, people who have read my books and who follow my FB page, many of whom have become cyber-friends.
There are times when FB comes into its own and is a powerful force for good and I've been very lucky to be on the receiving end of that. Support from my readers has helped get me through a fortnight which began with the news I had very early stage breast cancer and ended with the recommendation of a mastectomy.
But the silver lining (for readers anyway) is that I'll be bringing out my next e-book much sooner, to clear the decks for chemo and radiotherapy. THE GLASS GUARDIAN, a supernatural love story, will be published on Kindle in June.
(And my Kindle will be accompanying me into hospital next week. If I have just one working thumb I shall be able to turn the pages!)
Posted by: Linda Gillard | 27 April 2012 at 08:16 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this Linda--I'm afraid I'm not on FB so I had no idea that this was happening to you. You will most certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. A good friend and coworker also went through this not so long ago and she is doing well now--cancer free and I hope that you will also soon be on the road to recovery! My very best wishes for you!
Posted by: Danielle | 28 April 2012 at 04:32 AM
Thoughts and prayers from me. It is wonderful to see such support, and a very brave thing to do to make it public, but I hope it helps lots more people out there.
Support comes in many forms and should be welcomed.
Posted by: Jo | 28 April 2012 at 06:18 AM
Dear Linda, I'm not on Facebook but thanks to Cornflower I can send you my thoughts and prayers.
Posted by: Barbara | 28 April 2012 at 10:35 AM
I have yet to read Linda Gillard's books, but have just hopped on over to Facebook and it's wonderful to see all the support she's being given by her readers. I wish her all the best.
Posted by: Nikki-ann | 28 April 2012 at 12:03 PM
Thank you, Cornflower's readers.
The latest support my readers are offering me is their suggestions for hospital stay & convalescent reading. (I asked them to avoid death, illness, suffering & mutilation - which probably excludes 50% of what's out there.)
They've come up with some wonderful suggestions - from Margery Allingham to Nigella's HOW TO EAT!
Posted by: Linda Gillard | 28 April 2012 at 04:36 PM
Linda, I am so sorry to hear your news, but there is always hope, lots of it! My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV esophageal cancer in December but is now in remission after chemotherapy. I know that all the prayers directed toward him, both from our friends and family and from the friends I have made as a blogger, helped with his remission. I am sure that prayers are winging your way from all over the world. Mine are definitely included.
Cornflower - Thank you for bringing this news to us non-Facebook people.
Posted by: Julie Fredericksen | 28 April 2012 at 06:19 PM
I don't 'do' Facebook either, so sending you my very best wishes for successful surgery and a complete recovery afterwards.
I have been devouring Dorothy Whipple (High Wages and Greenbanks) over the weekend and would recommend both.
Posted by: Carole | 29 April 2012 at 11:57 AM
Actually, steer clear of both of these, I typed without thinking things through. Must apply brain before using a keyboard in future.
Posted by: Carole | 29 April 2012 at 12:03 PM
My dear Linda,
Until I read this I had no idea ... I am so, so sorry to learn all this news, and send you my love. I've been there, had the treatment, and hey look! I'm still here, seven years on,and with the right treatment, so will you be. I don't do Facebook or Twitter or anything like that - I just look at a few blogs - so until this moment had no idea ...
My vety best love to you and your family,
Margaret xxx
Posted by: Margaret Powling | 29 April 2012 at 01:30 PM
Thanks for the warning, Carole. I'd set aside GREENBANKS for hospital. Can anyone vouch for THE PRIORY's suitability? I would have liked to take in a Whipple. (I've read SOMEONE AT A DISTANCE.)
Posted by: Linda Gillard | 29 April 2012 at 03:27 PM
I finished The Priory last night, it is set just before WW2 so no unfortunate events occur as a result of that - (the reason I pulled back on the other two was because of WW1)
I enjoyed all three books, but they are not lighthearted!
All the very best to you
Posted by: Carole | 02 May 2012 at 01:06 PM