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Susan E

I've been wanting to read The Optimist's Daughter since I enjoyed Ms Welty's exchange of letters with William Maxwell, and here's the perfect opportunity to read it in good company. Looking forward to it.


Oh, good!
I've just heard about the letters from Pamela ( ) so I've added that book to my wish list.

Susan in TX

I've never read this one (and I can't remember reading any Welty). I'm likely to be out of internet range for the discussion, but I'll read along and try to catch comments when I get back in town.


I have never read any Eudora Welty either, so I look forward to reading this. My library has a copy and 200 pages sounds just right.


Great, Susan! Thankyou.

Shirley Van Clay

Earlier today on our public radio station, I heard a recording of Studs Terkel interviewing Eudora Welty. Terkel would be 100 were he living and during a long radio career in Chicago made a name for himself as an interviewer. He also wrote several books based on oral histories. It was wonderful to hear him again and, as always, wonderful to hear Eudora Welty. You will enjoy Welty's writing despite the cultural chasm between Mississippi and Edinburgh.
SAVC, North Carolina, USA


Yes, sometimes a shortish book is just the thing.


Books: Bill suggests _Losing Battles_ and _Delta Wedding_. I like short stories, myself - such as, "Why I Live at the P.O." and "Powerhouse." We have recordings of those two. We feel a kinship with Miss Eudora (as one would say in the South), having grown up a couple of hours due West of where she lived. I'm also a fan of her photography work.

Here's a uk link to a nice article: "A brief survey of the short story part 29: Eudora Welty"


I'm so looking forward to it, Shirley; thankyou.
Your mention of the interview sent me over to Youtube to see if I could find the lady herself there, and here she is, talking about her story A Worn Path:


Many thanks for that link, Nancy. I feel I'm going to love Miss Welty's work.

Shirley Van Clay

I recommend the short story Welty is talking about in the interview. I have read it more than once and each time found it moving.


I have never read her either--shame on me as an American. Even further shame I know that this is because her name is so unattractive--sounds like women's pulp and a pseudonym.

So here goes. I'll start with this one.


A bit of useless information for you: The 'Eudora' email program was named for Eudora Welty. I used that at one time and liked it.


I started last night with a sample on kindle, then I bought the book and started reading in the middle of the night (when I should be finishing the book for the "real live" book club next week. So far, very enjoyable. I'm glad to be introduced to her writing.


Excellent, Erika.
Interesting point about names being off-putting.


How funny: immortality through books and an email program!


Glad you're enjoying it, Deirdre.


I still use the mail program named for her - the creator named it for her short story "I have always lived in the post office"

I wrote a bit about it in my Reading Diary


I've adored her writing for many years - especially the short stories in "Collected Works" of Eudora Welty". Not having read "The Optimist's Daughter", I hied myself to the library downtown via a 70-minute bus ride. It's an old and tattered early edition - and so loving it

wow - that Kay is some piece of work, isn't she?


Thank you so much for that link, Janice, and how interesting!
I love that you say Miss Welty's "vision is sweet by nature".



Jennifer Dee

I love Eudora Welty and so pleased that she is now becoming popular again. I recommend looking at 'The Eudor Welty Foundation' a fasinating look at the home where she lived with her parents and two brothers.


I've had this book on my to-read list for awhile now. I was just looking at it the other day and thinking I'd like to read it soon. Your book group is the perfect incentive!

Julie Fredericksen

I can't believe I have never read Eudora Welty before and am excited by this pick. (And I am determined to have the right date for June's discussion!)


I always say I'm going to join in (if only to myself lately), but then when the time rolls around I've usually overextended myself. Will June be the month I really do? I'll dig out my copy in any case and be optimistic about it! :)


I have my eye on this book about the garden:




I'm glad I've chosen something which is a new one even for some of our American readers.


At least this is a shortish book, Danielle, so easier to squeeze into your packed reading schedule!

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