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adele geras

I have had more than my fair share of flame haired heroines in my own books but that is only because I have ALWAYS wanted to be a redhead. Maybe that came from reading Anne of GG or Little Women at a very early age. And a picture of Boudicca in OUR ISLAND STORY when I was six which imprinted itself on my brain. I think red hair is wonderful.

Christine Harding

I like the poetry... just what I need. Am sitting here taking up yards and yards and yards of a black and white skirt, and its lining (which has to be done separately) for my elder daughter, after cutting four inches off the hem... have dropped pins and a needle on the sofa. The Man of the House has just made me a mug of tea, and now I am listening to poetry while I stitch!


I wonder if Written? Kitten works for writing newsletter copy too as I am seriously struggling today!

I never have a problem with flame haired heroines (just read Jennifer McVeigh's excellent The Fever Tree which has one!) - they have to be much better than the winsome golden haired variety!


How funny about Boudicca!


Very soothing - I sympathise re. the skirt having done a similar one not long ago which took forever (and does not bear close inspection, I must say).


I'd prefer a puppy variety for reviews, articles, etc. You've reminded me about The Fever Tree which is sitting here on the tbr piles - I'm very keen to read it.

Dark Puss

75% in literature? Where does that statistic come from? It certainly doesn't "feel" right to me, but I'm in no position to have a sensible discussion as she doesn't provide any evidence. From what little peer-reviewed research I can glean on the subject of red hair in the population of Europe, 4% (the "wikipedia number" I note which has a very dubious citation) may be a rather high estimate (and one should quote the binomial error).

Can you, or your expert readership shed any light on the origin of the 75% in literature number?

Rosy Thornton

Speaking as one of the 4%, I just wanted to say hoorah for the flame-tressed, spirited and idiosyncratic!

Mr Cornflower

It could mean "75% of novels read by Rowan Pelling" - indeed from a scientific point of view it probably ought to mean that. That makes the claim interesting because it is now in principle provable. Now, do you want to write to Rowan Pelling or shall I?

Dark Puss

Two good suggestions! I'll see if I get a response. P

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