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Dark Puss

Thank you (both) for this interview which interested me.

I realised that if a book is ever going to get finished then you have to write when you’re knackered, when you’re sad and when you just want to watch TV or hang out with friends. That sounds quite familiar to me too (substitute, experiment, paper, grant proposal for book here).

A question for Cornflower - are most writers superstitious? Why might that be?


This is a wonderful interview with good strong questions and therefore solid and thoughtful responses. Thank you.


Not being one myself I don't know for sure but it's a trait I've noticed often. Perhaps it's to do with not wanting to say too much about a project which is so far from completion that it may yet be abandoned or turn out very differently from what was originally intended or expected. Perhaps it is, as Suzy says, to do with not losing creative energy - or indeed ultimate impact - by giving away a lot about a book before it's finished.


Thank you, Deirdre. It was a great pleasure to to quiz Suzy about her book - both novel and author are excellent subjects for questions!

Jo Carroll

Great interview - thank you.


You're welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.


I can't thank you enough for publishing this. I sit writing this surrounded by several notebooks, drawing pads, watercolors, a huge stack of poetry, nonfiction nature books, and a pile of shells, and other sundry item, all "research" in the pursuit of the novel. I am taking a big sigh of relief to read that someone else - a published someone else - has the same torturous methodology of approaching novel writing. Not that it makes my way any clearer, but it does lend a little validation that I am not out of my mind. Perhaps I'll even make my husband read this interview because he is wondering when I am going to start writing chapters that go somewhere instead of filling journals with scribbles and drawings!


The process has worked very well for Suzy, so I hope it will help yield similarly impressive results for you, Loretta.

adele geras

Wonderful interview, Cornflower! And what an interesting person she sounds. Lots of my friends have a 'notebook' with all sorts of things in it relating to the novel they're writing. I don't but I love the idea of such a thing. And as for the superstition about talking about the new work, it's not a superstition as such, Dark Puss, but just that if you tell someone the story, then there's not much desire to try and tell it again to yourself, if you see what I mean. I learned that very early kind of dilutes your vision. As it is, writing a book is like trying to carry a handful of water across the room without spilling always lose something that was in your head as it comes out on the paper. Don't know why that should be! But you also sometimes suprise yourself while the thing is being written. Most odd process altogether and DIFFERENT FOR EVERY WRITER!


Interesting comments. I'm glad you all liked the interview. Thanks so much Karen.

I love your apt image of carrying water, adele. That's exactly what it feels like. Or sometimes carrying water, jelly and sand at the same time.

Good luck Lorretta, you can't go wrong with a pile of shells on your desk, I think!

Here's a quick thank you Karen:


Thankyou, Suzy.

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