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Article by Norfolk in The Guardian this morning.


Wow, that is quite a review and recommendation and follows on from Annabel at Gaskella. Looks like I am going to have to get to read this somehow - hope the library gets a copy!


That's some recommendation. I've had it sitting here for weeks, so I think it's just gone to top of the pile!


Many thanks, Mary, I've read it now.


It has everything I want in a book, and the subject matter was very appealing. I'm lost without it now!


I began it months ago and then had to put it aside for other reading, but when I picked it up again I went back to the beginning (because it repays close attention) and after a slowish build it really comes into its own. Wonderful book!


Is it set in the real Buckland manor outside Broadway? The most wonderful place I ever stayed at in England.

adele geras

I am so glad I read your post about this, Cornflower as I admit I was very nervous of it. It seemed a bit...well. DIFFICULT I suppose but if you like it then I certainly will read it! Thanks!


I've just looked up your Buckland Manor, Ellen - - I want to go there!
I think the house in the book is in Somerset rather than the Cotswolds, but I wonder whether Lawrence Norfolk based it on a real place.


I loved it! I hope Lawrence Norfolk is getting on well with his next book (I read something about it having to do with an Elizabethan garden) because I am waiting with bated breath.

Carol Norton

Try Jane Borodale's The Knot - also set in Somerset and about Henry Lyte of Lytes Cary, and his translation of a herbal. But so much more than that...


Indeed - I flagged it up here:

Carol Norton

Oh gosh, so you did - and I think it was reading your post which sent me off to Amazon in the first place! Anyway, it certainly delivers all it promises - you've a real treat in store.


Glad to hear that, Carol!


It is very rare that I get to the end of a book and want to go back to the beginning and start again but that was exactly how I felt when I finished this - just a shame that the library had to have it back!

John Saturnall's Feast is one of those books that you inhabit and to think that I would have missed it if not for your review because I had struggled with one of Lawrence Norfolk's earlier books - thank you SO much for a real reading treat!!
It is now on my Christmas list and if that fails I will just have to wait until it comes out in paperback and buy it myself (just hope they keep that gorgeous cover!)


So glad to hear this, Liz!

adele geras

As ever, you're quite right, Cornflower. Am reading now and can't stop thinking about it. A masterpiece. I don't use that word very often! LOVE IT! And yes, hope he doesn't take 7 years on the garden book!


I want that next book ASAP!

Susan Campbell

"John Saturnall's Feast" is enthralling! I'm listening to the audiobook whilst knitting and keep having to stop as I lose count of stitches when so caught up in the story. What elegant descriptions; it feels as though I'm right there in the events with John and the other characters.
Must buy a few paperback copies, both to keep and give to friends.


Hurrah! Many thanks for letting us know it's going down so well, Susan.


Just finished listening to it on cd. I liked it, but I was expecting more: I thought the novel couldn't figure out if it was a fantasy/adventure or an historical novel, and the love plot dragged and dragged for me. I did NOT like Lady Lucy.

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