I've stolen my post title today from Bloomsbury Books. In their latest 'Editor's Picks' newsletter they draw attention to several recent publications which they've listed under headings such as 'humour pick', 'history pick' and my favourite, the 'enchanting armchair pick'. The novel they've selected for that is Lawrence Norfolk's John Saturnall's Feast, and that's an apt choice indeed (I certainly was enchanted by it), but I thought I'd just tweak the category name slightly and ask you all to suggest a book to suit 'the enchanted armchair' - that is, something which utterly engrosses, delights and transports you, and lifts the spirits too, perhaps.
There's a passage in Touch Not the Cat
which is getting at something similar, I think. Bryony is in the old schoolroom at Ashley Court and she sees the familiar things of her childhood:
"A white-painted shelf still held the beloved story books, the Andrew Langs and the Arthur Ransomes and the C.S. Lewises, their battered covers containing each its bright autonomous world, those magical kingdoms one is made free of as a child, and thereafter owns all one's life."
So yes, I'd expect some children's books to be nominated for our enchanted armchair, but which adults' ones would you put there? I'm looking for spell-binding reads here, not necessarily set in other worlds but which so take you out of yourself that you feel as if you are in a very special place. Curl up in a comfy chair and away you go! Any suggestions?