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Dark Puss

Do indeed start with Leon! I think the early ones are the best by the way.

Christine Harding

Donna Leon's Commissario Brunetti series is wonderful, but The Pillars of Earth is not! Everyone else seems to like it, but I didn't - I had to keep flipping back to check who the characters were, and I thought the various plot lines were confusing and often incredible. And there were bad, ugly people, and good beautiful people, which always annoys me. I could go on, but I won't.


I agree that the Brunettis are wonderful. And was it determined exactly that the Oxford don in the Sarah Caudwells was a man? I thought that was part of the mystery! I read them a long time ago and remember enjoying them very much.


I hope that you enjoyed your visit - I'm assuming that you did since you are planning places to visit for the next time.

I thought that I knew where the Questura was and I am glad to see from the list that I am right. If I ever get to Venice again, I will print it out and be a proper Brunetti nerd.
We managed to miss the Ghetto area last time we were in Venice - my only excuses are that it was very wet and cold (late January), I had left the guide book at our hotel on the Lido and after a while all we were looking for was somewhere we could get a coffee and a panini without breaking the bank!
Lucky you having all the Brunetti books ahead of you!

There again I feel quite lucky reading wise as I have just finished Jane Rusbridge's The Devil's Music which I thought was wonderful but I now have 'Rook', John Saturnall's Feast and The End of Yor Life Book Club in my library pile and don't know which to start with first!


Yes, I keep reading reviews which suggest the later ones aren't as good as the earlier.


Many thanks, Christine - I won't rush to add it to the piles then!


You are right, Audrey! I was assuming Hilary was a man, but of course the character could be female.


The Devil's Music is great, isn't it! Rook is high on my pile, and you have treats in store with John Saturnall's Feast and Will Schwalbe's lovely book.

Marina McIntire

The Donna Leon books are truly wonderful. I've nothing to add there.
Pillars of the Earth was definitely not great literature. But I found it annoyingly fascinating. If you have a piece of you that likes soap operas and/or melodrama, you will find a certain satisfaction with this chunk of writing.


Donna Leon's books apart from the delightful Brunetti are so descriptive of Venice - overflowing canals and all.

Marybel Tracey

Can I recommend Miss Garnet's Angel set predominantly in Venice?It set for me the perfect tone.I do so love Venice.


I read that one a few years ago and recall enjoying it very much - time for a re-read!

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