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  • Adrian Tinniswood: The Power and the Glory
  • Martin Williams: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
  • Gavin Plumley: A Home for all Seasons
  • Robert Harris: Precipice
  • Nigel Slater: A Thousand Feasts
  • Joan Aiken: Tales of London Town
  • Alan Connor: 188 Words for Rain
  • Ben Robinson: English Villages: An Extraordinary Journey through Time














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Dark Puss

Wow! I've only read one book in 2012 that I'd consider giving an award to in absolute terms, though I note you are awarding these for "best of the year". I will be reading ~ 1/3 (possibly only a quarter) as many books which will partly account, but I am also sure that I am a less critical reader than you are so I wish I knew why you have such a good success rate. Congratulations; I am a little envious. Of those you list I have read Bel Canto and The Nine Tailors


DP your comment raises interesting points.
I am fortunate in being given many very high quality books, and when I'm choosing what to read (either from those sent or when I'm buying for myself) I do take a lot of care, so selection alone - that is as far as I can tell - ensures a high proportion of what I read is 'good' (and by the way, I should have said that there were several other books which narrowly missed inclusion, and the list could have gone on!).
Secondly, perhaps I am one of those readers with a greater capacity for enjoyment (I believe there is such a thing). I don't know.


It used to be {over the last 25 or so years}, since I first 'discovered' her, that finding someone else who read Angela Thirkell (at least over here) was a wonderful little jolt of surprise, because it was such a rare thing. I even once read a country-house-through-the-seasons kind of book where the writer talked about Angela Thirkell and Berlin work, and I was in heaven. I'm not sure how I would have found the first of her books back then - in a used book store, or by wandering through the Ts in the library looking for someone else? I've had fun since then collecting them all. I'm happy (in a way...) to see that these new editions are bringing more people into the fold. :)


My first list is up to!! We have a few in common so do nip over and check!!


Oh! I meant to add that The Optimist's Daughter will be on my list, so thank you for encouraging us to read it.

Dark Puss

Thank you for your response. I'm not sure about your "capacity for enjoyment" argument but I'll give it some thought.


The Painter of Silence, A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar, The Colour of Milk and of course John Saturnall's Feast would definitely be on my list of best fiction reads if I do one (for my own amusement) and I am sure that Rook and High Rising will also be if I get a move on and read them as The Devil's Music would also definitely be right up there.
I will definitely look out for the others too including Archie which would make a lovely present for my grand daughter Isabella's 2nd birthday in January!

Karen (at Curate's egg)

Of these I've only read Bel Canto and The Coward's Tale, both of which I enjoyed.

Thank you for reminding me about the William Boyd - I will certainly be adding that to my list for next year.

Lindsay Healy

I loved The Colour of Milk too. I am looking forward to reading Alys, Always. I enjoyed The Secret Intensity of Everyday Life but didn't read it this year.


You're welcome, Audrey - I enjoyed it greatly too.


Yes, we have some great ones in common!


Archie is super - all pictures, so lots to talk about, and I believe it's the first of a series.


That was a great read, and it'll be out in paperback soon.


Alys, Always was terrific!

Dixie Lee

The Nine Tailors is not only a great mystery, and part of the wonderful, seminal Wimsey series, but it is the best description of bell ringing ever. As a hand bell ringer I always recommend it to my audiences if they are at all interested in learning how tower bells are rung and what change ringing is. Mathematicians will find it interesting too.

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