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Wonderful interview.
Such an orderly desk!


Yes, isn't it impressively tidy!

Dark Puss

You haven't seen mine!

Dark Puss

Having never heard of Marian Keyes I followed your link to her website. Enticed by the link there which said "Do you want to find out more about Marian" I sadly got the following answer:

There has been an error

Ah well!


We have the same velvet cat! Never thought to crush it under my wrist, though. Will have to try.


I really enjoyed this great insight the working approach of a purely professional writer and endorse her advice about hanging on in there. I worked for a number of years before I became full time. The work does provide great inspiration and insight into many things which contribute to the writing. But I have loved the freedom of free-lance working with all its ambiguities and uncertainties.
Oh yes, and it is an intimidatingly tidy desk, suggesting a high level of artistic efficiency. Lovely.


She is a bestselling novelist in the multi-million (books) bracket and a very funny lady.
We have simple book draws over here, but when she has a prize to give away she holds a "Glitterin' Raffle" and puts all the entries in "the salad spinner of happiness". I can see I'll have to up my game!


Now everyone will be wanting one!


Glad you enjoyed it, Wendy.
(I like your phrase "artistic efficiency").


Excellent interview and great new series. Many thanks to you both.


Lovely interview and what a desk! I can't see any of the top of mine.

This is great idea for a series but I hope you have some messy desk-owners soon or we disorganised types are going to feel very inadequate!


Thankyou, Harriet - I'm looking forward to future posts.


I'll see what I can do, Catherine!

adele geras

Thanks for all the comments!I'm afraid I'm not tidy enough to have spotted a GRAMMATICAL should read !The drawers ARE full of stationery.! Never mind, eh?
Thanks for inviting me, Cornflower.


And I'm a bad editor as I should have spotted that, too - brain disengaged at the thought of all that stationery!!
Lovely to have you, Adele.


What a lovely idea for a series. This was fascinating and I look forward to future participants. Thank you both.


I'm very glad you enjoyed it, Carole - thankyou.

Celia Rees

I am SHAMED by your desk, Adele! I've had to stop writing and begin a major tidy up. And I WANT a sepia pen! Where can I get one? Brilliant interview which should be required reading for anyone wanting to be a writer. Adele always tells it how it is. Thanks for the mention re. notebooks. That brought on a bout of bringing up to date for my latest. Can't let my reputation slip.


What a lovely post! Such an orderly desk as well - the sort that I always aspire to, and do attempt from time to time - only for the tidyness to last no more than a day or so!


I'm intrigued by the sepia pen, too, but re. notebooks, yours sound like works of art, Celia!


Adele has done us proud!

Linda Gillard

Thank you for sharing this glimpse of your working life, Adele. And thanks Cornflower for what promises to be a very entertaining series. (As Jerome K Jerome said, "I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.")


Re. your JKJ quotation, by the sound of it Adele seems to have achieved a good balance between work and other things.

Margaret Powling

Not looked in for a few weeks, can't think why, shall we say pressure of writing work? So catching up on a lot of posts and love this first interview with Adele! You are so tidy, Adele, my desk is a total swamp of clutter right now, but I do try and tidy it up between commissions ... the difference, I think, between working as a novelist and a feature writer is that one is in for the long haul, a bit like a marathon runner, while the other (i.e. me) is a sprinter, always onto another topic even before the last one is done and dusted, so there are several pieces on the go at any one time, and this helps cause clutter (aka chaos) on the desk and in the study! I'm envious of anyone who can keep a study really tidy. And although husband shares the work space (a long bench with both our computers) I can't blame him for the mess, it's all mine!


I was going to say that my desk would not win a tidiness competition against Adele's, but actually it is pretty tidy - just rather full!

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