"Immensely enjoyable ... full of energy, intelligence and delicious turns of phrase," says Sarah Waters of Kate Worsley's first novel She Rises.
Set in the mid eighteenth century, this is a tale of drunken sailors, press gangs and smugglers, but at its heart a love story:
"Louise Fletcher, a dairymaid on an Essex farm, has long been warned of the lure of the sea, for it stole away her father and brother, but when she is offered work in the naval port of Harwich, as maid to a wealthy captain's daughter, she leaps at the chance to see more of the world.
Young Luke is drinking in a Harwich tavern when he is pressganged and sent to sea aboard a warship. He must learn fast if he is to survive the brutal hardships of a sailor's life, above and below decks.
Louise navigates her new life amid the streets and alleys of the town where fine houses concealing smugglers' tunnels are flooded by spring tides, and love burns brightly in the shadows. And Luke, aching for the girl he left behind and determined to find his way back to her, embarks on a long and perilous journey across the ocean.
When Luke's and Louise's worlds collide the consequences are astonishing and irrevocable."
Yup! This one could be good and the cover is SPECTACULAR!!
Posted by: adele geras | 21 February 2013 at 02:40 PM
I agree! It's by Holly Macdonald who did the beautiful jacket for John Saturnall's Feast and many other striking designs: http://hollymacdonalddesign.blogspot.co.uk/
Posted by: Cornflower | 21 February 2013 at 02:45 PM