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Margaret @ BooksPlease

I missed your earlier post. I read around 100 books a year, but this year I think it will be less as I'm reading more slowly than usual, in an attempt to remember what I've read. I read mainly fiction.

I always used to finish a book once I'd started it, but decided some years ago that life's too short to do that and will stop reading if I find it boring, etc. The exception, like Artemis, is if someone has lent me their book, or it's a book I've agreed to read and review. I feel I have to read all of a book if I'm going to write about it.


We don't go to many theatre events but yes, we have left concerts and the cinema if we felt it wasn't worth our time to stay!! And yes, we are becoming more critical as we get older ;o

Alex in Leeds

I tend to abandon a lot more books these days but it's mostly because I am happier picking up a more eclectic range of subjects/styles now and 'trying them on for size'. Such fun to compare reading experiences as a whole though, very interesting stuff. :)

Mary (across the Pond)

The best thing about getting books from the library (aside from no cost) is that one doesn't feel guilty if a book goes unread from cover to cover. And, if you simply weren't in the mood for it the first time around, you can always go back later and pick it up again. That being said, as I have gotten older I no longer worry if I don't complete a book. Too many books TBR, too little time.


I have been so busy workwise that it has been a couple of weeks since I have had chance to really read any blogs that I usually visit.
I am trying to catch up now and so missed your post the first time around.
I have only recently started actually counting the number of books I read a year but it is probably somwhere around the 150 mark although some months are more prolific than others!
While I used to persist to the end of every book whether I was enjoying it or not, I am less patient now and will give up if it doesn't hold me enough - probably because I am aware that there is so much else out there that I do want to read and time is passing (to this end I have finally given up on The Instance of the Fingerpost - sorry but it's not for me!)
Having said that I do read far more widely now than I used to and the vast majority of my reading is new to me - I wont say that I never re-read but in recent years the only books I have revisited have been childrens books which I now re-read to my grandchildren!
Very much enjoying the Richard Mabey (it has proved a great antidote to pressure at work) and look forward to reading The Enchanted April which I have had for decades after reading Elizabeth and her German Garden when my elder daughter was a newborn (she is now 27)

Susan in TX

I'm with Crafty Green Poet - the older I get (and yes, the busier), the more easily I will abandon a book that isn't resonating with me. I will pursue it longer if it is for a group discussion, but life is too short to read bad books. :)

Di McDougall

Hi....havent taken the time to add up how many books I read in a year but I do read a lot. And yes, always more than one at a time: often one non fiction and two fiction at a time. I do find it hard to give up on a book...childishly want to know how it all comes out! Am trying more new writers than ever before and for that i have the blogosphere to thank. I have to admit to a huge tbr pile both in hard copy and as ebooks....I do feel panicky if there arent lots of books available and then of course so often something new and exciting or old and alluring pops up and one one succumbs yet again...


Sorry that I am behind in reading your blog and I am late in responding, it's been crazy here. I don't usually keep a tally of the number of books I read a year. I do have several on the go at any particular time and my tbr list seems to be getting longer and longer.

I find that I am using the library again, I have had a library card since I was about seven years old and it is a pleasure to browse the shelves. It does give me the chance to try out authors I am not familar with. I do like my audio books too and a drive across town is not the same without a story being read out loud. Lately I have not been using my kindle as much as I did before.

I am finding that I no longer stick it out to the end if I am bored or feel that the story isn't too my liking. It doesn't happen often but I agree that life is too short to waste reading something uninteresting when there is so many other titles and ideas tempting you. That being said I do like to try out different writers and thanks to your blog I have been introduced to several that have gone on to be favourites.

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