"Egbert Mulliner had come to this quiet seaside village for a rest cure. By profession he was an assistant editor, attached to the staff of The Weekly Booklover; and, as every statistician knows, assistant editors of literary weeklies are ranked high up among the Dangerous Trades. The strain of interviewing female novelists takes toll of the physique of all but the very hardiest.
For six months, week in and week out, Egbert Mulliner had been listening to female novelists talking about Art and their Ideals. He had seen them in cosy corners in their boudoirs, had watched them being kind to dogs and happiest when among their flowers. And one morning the proprietor of The Booklover, finding the young man sitting at his desk with little flecks of foam about his mouth and muttering over and over again in a dull, toneless voice the words, 'Aurelia McGoggin, she draws her inspiration from the scent of white lilies!' had taken him straight off to a specialist."
From Mulliner Nights by P.G. Wodehouse.
Wodehouse on the literary life - 1 is to be found here.
Love it. I can never get enough of Wodehouse!
Posted by: Belle | 03 March 2013 at 02:57 PM
He was a master of the art!
Posted by: Cornflower | 03 March 2013 at 08:35 PM