Remember these piles of books? Mr. C. has kindly given up a large part of his bank holiday weekend to put up new shelves for me so that a lot of what was on the floor now has a proper home.
That empty space at the top is only temporary - there's plenty with which to fill it tomorrow when I sort the books properly, and I wish I could say that there were no piles left unshelved, but that's not so by a long way. However, the study does still have a bit more 'bare' wall that we could use, so maybe .... but for the moment, thank you again, Mr. C!
(If you haven't already seen them and you'd like a peep at the shelves in the rest of the house, click here and follow the link).
Nothing nicer than new shelves to fill!
Posted by: Simon T | 28 May 2013 at 12:03 AM
Super shelves! 'An angel not a man' :-)
Posted by: Barbara | 28 May 2013 at 07:26 AM
Lovely and what a great feeling that must be to fill up your new shelves and sort your book! *Sigh*
Posted by: Ruthiella | 29 May 2013 at 12:28 AM
I'd love to have a proper browse through your shelves, Cornflower! They look so tempting!
Posted by: Miriana | 29 May 2013 at 08:48 PM