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I like the sound of this--sort of a social history with Jane Austen at its center--must add it to my wishlist. There is something about the coming of fall (though it is so hot here now it is hard to think the season is just around the corner) that puts me in the mood to read a Classic (or maybe read about a 'Classic' author).


I know what you mean about the change of season and change of reading 'mood', Danielle, but Paula was so enthusiastic and vibrant in talking about her subject that she could convert the most sceptical reader, I'm sure!


A Life in Small Things will be on my Christmas (sorry!!!!) list. I'm going to read Persuasion when the leaves start to turn.


Good idea, Claire.
For the record, Paula said her favourite novel was Mansfield Park for its "embarrassment of riches". It was the first one she read as a youngster and she keeps on coming back to it, finding something new every time.

Carol Norton

Yes, I've read Mad World and it too is a partial life. She writes with the narrative drive of a novel and I whizzed through it - enjoyed it very much. Her enthusiasm is very infectious isn't it? When she spoke here in Bath her husband Jonathan Bate was in the audience, looking on admiringly.


Glad to hear you enjoyed the book, Carol, and you're right about Paula's enthusiasm being infectious - she was great. (Re. her husband, as he's a Shakespeare scholar, theirs must be quite a household, and the dinner table conversation very stimulating!)


I like the idea of microbiography. The much quoted, "What should I do with your strong, manly, spirited Sketches, full of Variety and Glow? -- How could I join them on to the little bit (two Inches wide) of Ivory on which I work with so fine a Brush, as produces little effect after much labour?", almost compares the two biogrpahical forms for us, in favour of the micro!


Yes, you're right, and Paula said that herself!

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