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  • Adrian Tinniswood: The Power and the Glory
  • Martin Williams: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
  • Gavin Plumley: A Home for all Seasons
  • Robert Harris: Precipice
  • Nigel Slater: A Thousand Feasts
  • Joan Aiken: Tales of London Town
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Cornflower book group

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Thank you so much for the Donna Tartt link! The Secret History is my favorite book and I would have missed this but for your mention. It's almost time for a reread of this book for me. I am a little scared that I won't like it as much a second time, although I only read it a few years ago. Listening to her talk about it has probably pushed the reread sooner than later. I only wish I had enjoyed The Goldfinch half as much. :(


Pity about The Goldfinch (I've yet to read it), but glad you enjoyed the programme as I did, Laura.

Dark Puss

Spinning off from your title, but nothing to do with books, the CME from the recent X-class solar flare arrived last night. Not as much auroral activity as predicted, but still a fairly high probability tonight of seeing something for those of you in reasonably northern latitudes (> 55N ). Keep an eye on the auroral oval map at Space Weather and do have a look at the fabulous pictures of last night's aurorae that you will find there.

Astro Cat

Christine Harding

One of the nice about book blogging is the way one comes across unexpected connection. Have just read Finn Family Moomintroll (having read and loved some of Jansson's work for adults), and was wondering if there is a decent biography available, and lo and behold, you mention one!

Thank you for mentioning the Iceland Writers Retreat in your blog! We hope to meet many of your readers in April. Best wishes, Eliza Reid, Co-founder of Iceland Writers Retreat


Thank you, DP.


A happy coincidence!


Lovely! Thank you, Eliza, and it sounds like a great event.

Simon T

I'm very excited about the Tove Jansson biog - my copy is on its way!

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