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Jane Jazz

This is lovely to hear; I do hope the rest of the novel is as delightful to you. Re-reading your previous post has made me dig out EG's The Bird in the Tree, as your information about her dream has made it irresistible!


It's on my list. I love EG's children's books and I see Girls Gone By have republished Henrietta's House.

Lory @ Emerald City Book Review

I'm so very glad! Godine is reissuing this book as Linnets and Valerians in the US this spring, and I am planning to host an Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week around then too. It will be a great opportunity to read and discuss this wonderful author and hopefully introduce her to more readers. I hope you may join us!


That was interesting, wasn't it?
I know some people have no wish to know anything about the genesis of a book, but I find that sort of information fascinating and feel it can add another dimension to a reading.


I think I'll have to read them all!


Great idea! Thank you, Lory.

Liz Davey

I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did. She had such a wonderful way with names. Isn't Moses Glory Glory Alleluja marvellous? I've decided that a reread of Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising is long overdue, and the perfect book for Christmas.


Brilliant name, and Abednego the monkey, too!
You've reminded me, Liz, that I've not read The Dark is Rising. Maybe a little purchase is in order ....

Carol S

For most of my life Elizabeth Goudge has been my 'secret' comfort read and in recent years I've been delighted as more and more people discover and delight in he.
You'll be surprised as well pleased, she wrote many novels set in different times. And I haven't read all she's produced, for so long I had to depend on second hand finds in charity shops and car boots, all 'hunting and gathering' so much easier now. I've tried to persuade my husband to give her a go, maybe should try harder but then somehow the rhythm of her prose feels very female to me, can anyone explain this?
I 'confessed' once in my very wonderful and serious book group my continuing reading of her, her name was unknown to them all so bringing her up meant nothing to them. (The other comfort read author mentioned was Ken Follett).

Liz Davey

Ooo, another treat in store. Go on, you know you want to ...


Elizabeth Goudge is on my list of author I want to read. I read Jane Austen this year, what a genius, and some touches of humor. Barbara Pym is also a delightful author.


I'm amazed that your group hadn't heard of EG, Carol, but I can certainly see how her books would be just the thing when some comfort is needed!


Barbara Pym is delightful, and Jane Austen is probably beyond compare, but do try EG, Terra. I'm reading The Runaways quite slowly because I want the pleasure to last.


I do!

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