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Di McDougall

So pleased to hear there is to be another book in that amazing series...


Indeed. I think PP has been working on it for quite a while, and he did say that he's likely to need the rest of this year to finish it, but it's good that there's a rough publication date in prospect.


Much as I admire the His Dark Materials series it's his Sally Lockhart books which I love best -particularly the audios read by Anton Lesser -so, so good. I like the idea of being a 'cultural Christian' -I think that might be what I am.


He touched on the Sally Lockhart books, recalling that he wrote the first one 30 years ago and that it arose from his experience of writing plays for the school in which he taught. He wanted to write "an absurdly over-the-top melodrama", he said, and also mentioned that his research was meticulous. The herione of The Tin Princess he sees as a precursor to Lyra.


Thank you for the indication that there might soon be another book in the series, something to look forward to however long it takes.

I must investigate his Sally Lockhart books.


I believe he's been working on The Book of Dust for a long time - he broke off to write other things - but hopefully the end is in sight.

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