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Spade & Dagger

Of the PD James novels, I've only read Death Comes to Pemberley and sadly it did not inspire me to seek out others. However, perhaps I should try her earlier ones such as Cover Her Face.


You've made me think about re-reqding some P. D. James now!


No, that's not typical James! Don't be put off, though, Spade & Dagger, try her Dalgleish books some time.


I'm not sure what prompted me to do it, Jayne, but I'm glad I've picked up Cover Her Face, and I'd like to re-read the rest (over time) in the order in which they were written.


Coïncidence: not reading but watching yesterday evening, and the evening before, and... 'An Unsuitable Job For a Woman'featuring detective Cordelia Gray. Now I might do some detective work myself and try to find out in which P.D. James books she appears and then proceed reading those.


Cath, I'd forgotten all about Cordelia Gray! As far as I can see she appears in only "The Skull Beneath The Skin" apart from "An Unsuitable Job ..."

Alice C

I have never read P D James before but decided to try the Dalgleish novels recently. I read the first three and was surprised that they were so similar in formula to Golden Age crime writing, I had expected them to have more challenging plots. I enjoyed the development of Adam Dalgleish as a character and the sections where P D James has a rant about something that she dislikes but discovered that I did not really care whodunnit or why which made reading the books a struggle.

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